459723 | Colville | 2023 | Trap and transport of adult salmon and juvenile outmigration studies upstream of Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams. | New | Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management | Fish Marking | - | $620,660 |
CCT17-1 | Colville | 2017 | 2017 Upper Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery Planning, Implementation and Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | Upper Columbia River | $199,986 |
CCT14-1 | Colville | 2014 | Upper Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery Planning, Implementation and Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | Upper Columbia River | $249,926 |
CCT12-1 | Colville | 2012 | Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Planning, Implementation and Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | Upper Columbia River | $200,000 |
CCT11-1 | Colville | 2011 | Creel Clerk/Fish Technician I | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | - | $78,952 |
CCT07-2 | Colville | 2007 | Upper Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery Planning and Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | Upper Columbia River | $181,238 |
CCT10-2 | Colville | 2010 | Upper Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery Planning and Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination; Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory | Upper Columbia River | $168,496 |
CCT04-1 | Colville | 2004 | Habitat Assessment and Restoration in Okanogan River Tributary | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | Upper Columbia River | $66,029 |
CCT01-1 | Colville | 2001 | Omak Creek Groundwater Supplementation - Phase I | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | Upper Columbia River | $63,000 |
CCT11-2 | Colville | 2011 | Upper Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery Planning and Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | - | $143,543 |
CCT05-5 | Colville | 2005 | Omak Creek Steelhead Habitat Acquisition | Completed | Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition | Land or Easement Acquisition | Upper Columbia River | $54,185 |
CCT09-1 | Colville | 2009 | Creel Clerk/Fish Technician I | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | Upper Columbia River | $68,057 |
CCT-02 | Colville | 2008 | Salmon Recovery Planning and Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | Upper Columbia River | $165,000 |
CCT13-1 | Colville | 2013 | Upper Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery Planning, Implementation and Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | Upper Columbia River | $200,000 |
CCT03-1 | Colville | 2003 | Omak Creek 2003 Habitat Acquisition | Completed | Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition | Land or Easement Acquisition | Upper Columbia River | $36,366 |
459722 | Colville | 2022 | Trap and transport of adult salmon and juvenile outmigration studies upstream of Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams. | New | Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management | Fish Marking | Upper Columbia River | $393,688 |
CCT09-3 | Colville | 2009 | Okanogan River ESA Enforcement | Completed | Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management | Harvest Management | - | $35,406 |
CCT01-5 | Colville | 2001 | Develop Local Okanogan River Basin Steelhead Broodstock - Phase I | Completed | Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management | Hatchery Production | Upper Columbia River | $170,225 |
CCT01-2 | Colville | 2001 | Steelhead Kelt Reconditioning Feasibility Study | Completed | Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management | Hatchery Production | Upper Columbia River | $24,941 |
CCT01-4 | Colville | 2001 | Omak Creek Acclimation Site | Completed | Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management | Hatchery Production | Upper Columbia River | $71,950 |
CCT01-3a | Colville | 2001 | Salmon Recovery Outreach and Education | Completed | Public Outreach, Education, and Landowner Recruitment | Outreach / Education | Upper Columbia River | $49,000 |
CCT01-3 | Colville | 2001 | Salmon Recovery Planning and Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory | Upper Columbia River | $60,509 |
Colville-Admin-2001 | Colville | 2001 | Grant Administration Costs | Completed | Program Administration | - | - | $23,875 |
CCT02-6 | Colville | 2002 | Upper Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery, Restoration and Enhancement Planning and Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory | Upper Columbia River | $158,777 |
CCT02-3 | Colville | 2002 | Okanogan Summer Chinook Acclimation Pond (Bonaparte Pond) | Completed | Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management | Hatchery Production | Upper Columbia River | $153,005 |
CCT02-2 | Colville | 2002 | Omak Creek Habitat Acquisition and Restoration | Completed | Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition | Land or Easement Acquisition; Riparian Habitat | Upper Columbia River | $59,049 |
CCT02-5 | Colville | 2002 | M and E of Measures Assoc with Recovery and Restoration of Anadromous Fish in Okanogan R and Omak Cr | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | Upper Columbia River | $176,737 |
CCT02-4 | Colville | 2002 | Omak Creek Summer Steelhead Habitat/Passage Project | Completed | Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition | Fish Passage Improvement; Instream Habitat; Riparian Habitat; Upland Habitat And Sediment | Upper Columbia River | $131,418 |
CCT03-4 | Colville | 2003 | Upper Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery Planning and Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory | Upper Columbia River | $151,899 |
CCT03-3 | Colville | 2003 | Okanogan River and Omak Creek Monitoring and Evaluation | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | Upper Columbia River | $175,123 |
CCT03-2 | Colville | 2003 | Develop an Omak Creek Locally Adapted Summer Steelhead Hatchery Supplementation Program - Phase II | Completed | Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management | Hatchery Production | Upper Columbia River | $210,612 |
CCT04-5 | Colville | 2004 | Bridge Funding to Operate and Maintain Acclimation Ponds | Completed | Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management | Hatchery Production | Upper Columbia River | $101,932 |
CCT04-4 | Colville | 2004 | Salmon Recovery Education and Outreach | Completed | Public Outreach, Education, and Landowner Recruitment | Outreach / Education | Upper Columbia River | $26,850 |
CCT04-3 | Colville | 2004 | Okanogan Subbasin and Upper Columbia River Watershed Planning and Salmon Recovery Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory | Upper Columbia River | $166,193 |
CCT04-2 | Colville | 2004 | Locally Adapted SUmmer Steelhead Broodstock Supplementation Program - Phase III | Completed | Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management | Hatchery Production | Upper Columbia River | $227,996 |
CCT05-1 | Colville | 2005 | Okanogan River & Omak Creek Monitoring & Evaluation | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | Upper Columbia River | $93,840 |
CCT05-3 | Colville | 2005 | Operation and Maintenance of Bonaparte Acclimation Pond | Completed | Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management | Hatchery Production | Upper Columbia River | $58,327 |
CCT05-02 | Colville | 2005 | Locally Adapted Broodstock Cassimer Bar Hatchery | Completed | Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management | Hatchery Production | Upper Columbia River | $114,339 |
CCT-01 | Colville | 2008 | Creel Clerk | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | Upper Columbia River | $75,000 |
CCT09-2 | Colville | 2009 | Upper Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery Planning and Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | Upper Columbia River | $142,872 |
CCT10-1 | Colville | 2010 | Creel Clerk/Fish Technician I | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | Upper Columbia River | $79,198 |
CCT15-1 | Colville | 2015 | Salmon and Steelhead Recovery | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | Upper Columbia River | $171,921 |
CCT16-1 | Colville | 2016 | Upper Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery Planning, Implementation and Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | Upper Columbia River | $200,000 |
CCT07-1 | Colville | 2007 | Creel Clerk/Fisheries Technician I | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | - | $54,663 |
CCT 07-4 | Colville | 2007 | Acclimation Pond Modification | Completed | Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management | Hatchery Production | - | $37,999 |
CCT06-2 | Colville | 2006 | Upper Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery Planning and Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | - | $131,628 |
CCT06-1 | Colville | 2006 | Creel Clerk/Fish Technician | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | - | $88,372 |
CCT05-4 | Colville | 2005 | Upper Columbia Basin Salmon Recovery Planning and Coordination | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory | - | $151,309 |
CCT09-4 | Colville | 2009 | ESA Recovery Project Administration and Coordination | Completed | Program Administration | - | - | $27,265 |
CCT11-3 | Colville | 2011 | ESA Recovery Project Administration and Coordination | Completed | Program Administration | - | - | $27,505 |