Trap and transport of adult salmon and juvenile outmigration studies upstream of Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams.

Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management

Fish Marking Hatchery Production
Project ID459722
Recovery DomainsUpper Columbia River
Start Date10/01/2022
End Date06/30/2025
Last Edited01/14/2025
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The objectives of this project are to:

1) Support subsistence fishing in areas where salmon are blocked by CJ and GC dams

2) Provide salmon for ecological benefits including nutrient restoration and natural spawning.

To achieve these 2 main objectives the project will implement the following tasks:

1) Trap salmon below CJD and transport them to areas upstream of CJ and GC dams.

2) PIT tag, pathogen sample and genetic sample each salmon selected for transport

3) Monitor the spawning grounds in the Sanpoil River to document successful spawning.

4) Coordinate with the History and Archeology Department and the public outreach staff at CTCR to implement salmon release and harvest ceremonies. Adjust the timing and location of some releases to support their ceremonies.

5) Coordinate with ongoing harvest monitoring programs to determine the native subsistence and recreational utilization of the transported fish.

Project Benefit    

This project will foster the continued development of tribal, state and local partnerships to restore Chinook and Sockeye in the Upper Columbia upstream of Chief Joe Dam (CJD) and Grand Coulee Dam (GCD). Funding will assist in the implementation of salmon restoration and native subsistence fishing in the Upper Columbia River and accomplish the following objectives:

1) Assist in restoration of native subsistence fishing in an area deprived of salmon for 80 years.

2) Support the overall effort to implement Phase 2 feasibility evaluations of reintroduction of salmon to the blocked area of the Upper Columbia by evaluating the outmigration survival and travel time of juvenile Chinook and Sockeye.

3) Determine the effectiveness of trap and haul efforts as a method to support the reintroduction of salmon in the blocked area of the Upper Columbia, including providing tribal subsistence harvest opportunity and juvenile fish production.

4) Return salmon to native lands and people that have been deprived of a critical food source that is integral to their culture and spirituality.

5) Contribute to the early stages of implementation and demonstrate measurable benefits to the overall effort to restore populations of salmon to habitats upstream of CJD and GCD.

6) Contribute to the long-term recovery of keystone species through expansion of their range into higher elevations and latitudes to partially ameliorate the effects of climate change.

7) Restoration of fishing rights to Tribes in their traditional and accustomed use areas

8) Continued development of long-term working relationships, working toward a common goal with federal, state, tribal and local partnerships.


Metric Completed Originally
Hatchery Fish Marked
  Fry/Smolt Marked And Released 55,000

Funding Details

No Funding data has been entered for this project.

Project Map


Chief Joseph Dam    

  • Worksite Identifier: Chief Joseph Dam
  • Start Date: 10/01/2022
  • End Date: 06/30/2025
Area Description
The area blocked by Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee dams

Location Information

  • Basin: Upper Columbia (170200)
  • Subbasin: Chief Joseph (17020005)
  • Watershed: Tumwater Creek-Columbia River (1702000504)
  • Subwatershed: Dry Creek-Columbia River (170200050405)
  • State: Washington
  • Recovery Domain: Upper Columbia River
  • Latitude: 47.99529
  • Longitude: -119.64001


  • Upper Columbia River Summer- and Fall-run Chinook Salmon ESU




  • D.0 Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest ManagementY (Y/N)
    •      . . D.0.a Hatchery and harvest mgmt. funding .00
    •      . . D.0.b
      Complement habitat restoration project
    •      . . D.0.c
      Project Identified in a plan or watershed assessment.
    •      . . D.1 Hatchery Production ProjectY (Y/N)
      •      . . . . D.1.a Hatchery Production Funding
      •      . . . . D.1.d.1 Salmonids outplantedY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . . . D.1.d.2 Number by species of Salmonids Outplanted (LOV)
      •      . . D.2 Fish Marking ProjectY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . D.2.a Fish Marking Funding
        •      . . . . D.2.b.1 Salmonids Marked and Released.Y (Y/N)
          •      . . . . . . D.2.b.2 Number by species of fry/smolt marked or tagged and released (LOV)
          •      . . . . . . D.2.b.3 Pupose of marking/tagging (LOV)