Trap and transport of adult salmon and juvenile outmigration studies upstream of Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams.
Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management
459723 | - | 09/01/2023 | 06/30/2026 | 2023 | Ongoing | 01/14/2025 | |
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The proposed project outcomes are to translocate surplus hatchery summer Chinook and sockeye salmon upstream of Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee dams to re-establish native subsistence fishing in the Columbia and Sanpoil rivers that has been cut off from salmon since the construction of Grand Coulee (1941) and Chief Joseph Dam (1955). The project will also provide spawning escapement to habitat that can support thousands of spawning salmon. The out-migrating smolts and the returning adults will contribute to the Columbia River and Pacific Ocean ecosystems by providing food for birds, fish, otters, orcas, pinnipeds, and treaty and non-treaty fisheries. The project will also contribute to knowledge regarding the spawning potential of the currently unoccupied habitat, behavior of translocated salmon, and establish a parental-based tagging genetic profile that will allow for returning adults to be linked to their parents from the blocked area. Finally, the project will provide PIT tags for hatchery releases of Chinook and Sockeye salmon that will inform feasibility assessments of juvenile outmigration survival, smolt to adult return rates (SAR), and generate returning adults for future studies of adult behavior and feasibility evaluations of interim passage facilities.
Project Benefit
1) Partial restoration of native subsistence fishing in their historic usual and accustomed areas that have been deprived of salmon for 80-110 years.
2) Implement key aspects of the Phase 2 feasibility evaluations of reintroduction of salmon to the blocked area of the Upper Columbia by evaluating the outmigration survival and travel time of juvenile Chinook and Sockeye.
3) Determine the effectiveness of trap and haul efforts as a method to support the reintroduction of salmon in the blocked area of the Upper Columbia, including providing tribal subsistence harvest opportunity and juvenile fish production.
4) Return salmon to native lands and people that have been deprived of a critical food source that is integral to their culture and spirituality.
5) Contribute to the long-term recovery of keystone species through expansion of their range into higher elevations and latitudes to partially ameliorate the effects of climate change.
6) Continued development of long-term working relationships, working toward a common goal with federal, state, tribal and local partnerships.
Hatchery Fish Marked |
Fry/Smolt Marked And Released |
162,000 |
Funding DetailsNo Funding data has been entered for this project.
- Worksite Identifier: 54455021
- Start Date: 09/01/2023
- End Date: 06/30/2026
Area Description
The Columbia River and its tributaries upstream of Chief Joseph Dam to the Canadian border. Areas downstream of CJD where source stock may be collected such as Chief Joseph Hatchery, Wells Dam, Columbia River, Priest Rapids Dam, and others
Location Information
- Basin: Upper Columbia (170200)
- Subbasin: Chief Joseph (17020005)
- Watershed: Coyote Creek-Columbia River (1702000502)
- Subwatershed:
- State: Washington
- Recovery Domain:
- Latitude: 47.957
- Longitude: -118.978821
- Upper Columbia River Summer- and Fall-run Chinook Salmon ESU
- Okanogan River Sockeye Salmon ESU
- D.0
Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest ManagementY (Y/N)
- . . D.0.a
Hatchery and harvest mgmt. funding .00
- . . D.0.b
Complement habitat restoration project | |
- . . D.0.c
Project Identified in a plan or watershed assessment. | |
- . . D.1
Hatchery Production ProjectY (Y/N)
- . . . . D.1.a
Hatchery Production Funding
- . . . . D.1.d.1
Salmonids outplantedY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . D.1.d.2
Number by species of Salmonids Outplanted (LOV)
- . . D.2
Fish Marking ProjectY (Y/N)
- . . . . D.2.a
Fish Marking Funding
- . . . . D.2.b.1
Salmonids Marked and Released.Y (Y/N)
- . . . . . . D.2.b.2
Number by species of fry/smolt marked or tagged and released (LOV)
- . . . . . . D.2.b.3
Pupose of marking/tagging (LOV)