Hoopa-2023-04 Redd | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2023 | Reservation Redd Surveys and Data Digitization - Hoopa Reservation | Ongoing | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $42,250 |
HOOPA-2024-04 | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2024 | Reservation Redd Surveys Hoopa Valley Reservation | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | - | $31,562 |
HOOPA-2024-02 | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2024 | Ich Sampling to inform need for Fall Flows Hoopa Valley Reservation | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Research | - | $0 |
Hoopa-2023-06 Ich | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2023 | Ich Sampling to Inform Need for Fall Flows - Hoopa Reservation | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Research | N CA - S Oregon | $35,540 |
HVTFD-01-FYKE | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2001 | Out-migrant Monitoring of Juvenile Salmonids. FY2001 | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $48,000 |
TEPA-01-TDO | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2001 | Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring in Lower Trinity River | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $9,000 |
HVTFD-01-IDT | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2001 | Inter-disciplinary Team Permitting 2001 | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | N CA - S Oregon | $15,000 |
TEPA-01-MIVT | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2001 | Macroinvertibrate Sampling | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $12,000 |
TEPA-01-CDR | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2001 | Continuous Date Recorder data on Reservation Tributataries | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $25,600 |
2005-2 | KRITFWC Klamath Tribes | 2005 | Upper Klamath Lake Catchment Habitat Enhancement | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory | - | $97,544 |
FSH_05_FYKE | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2005 | Out-mingrant monitoring of Juvenile Salmonids | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $56,443 |
TEPA_05_STREAM | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2005 | Stream Health Characterization Model | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Research | N CA - S Oregon | $25,840 |
HVTFOR_05_roads | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2005 | Forest Betterment Effectivness Survey | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | N CA - S Oregon | $31,807 |
TEPA_05_CDR | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2005 | Monitoring Continuous Water Quality Data Stations | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $20,400 |
TEPA_05_INVERT | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2005 | Benthic Macro-Invertebrate Sampling | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $10,080 |
FSH_05_KBS | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2005 | Klamath Basin Specialist | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | N CA - S Oregon | $25,000 |
FSH-IDT_05 | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2005 | Permitting/Inter-disciplinary Team | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination; Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory | N CA - S Oregon | $19,650 |
HVTFOR_05_mon | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2005 | Small Scale Watershed Monitoring | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $28,107 |
FSH_05_HAB | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2005 | Physical and Biological Monitoring of Reservation Streams | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | N CA - S Oregon | $15,673 |
TEPA-02-CDR | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2002 | Continuous Date Recorder data on Reservation Tributataries | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $24,620 |
TEPA-02-MIVT | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2002 | Macroinvertibrate Sampling | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $25,872 |
HVTFOR649-040(2002) | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2002 | Stream Culvert Installation West Pine Road 3 | Completed | Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition | Fish Passage Improvement; Upland Habitat And Sediment | N CA - S Oregon | $10,540 |
HVTFOR649-0400(2002) | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2002 | Hostler/Oil Springs Bridge Installation | Completed | Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition | Fish Passage Improvement; Upland Habitat And Sediment | N CA - S Oregon | $23,000 |
HVTFOR649_0400(2002) | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2002 | Pre and Post Timber Harvest Stream Monitoring(HYDROLOGIST) | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $60,000 |
HVTFD-02-HAB | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2002 | Physical and Biological Monitoring of HVR Tributaries 2002 (Burnt Ranch, Snow Camp, Rock, S.F. Socti | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory | N CA - S Oregon | $31,000 |
HVTFD-02-FYKE | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2002 | Out-migrant Monitoring of Juvenile Salmonids. FY2002 | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $51,000 |
TEPA-02-TEMP | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2002 | Stratified Pool Temperature Monitoring in Trinity River pools | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $14,604 |
02-231 | KRITFWC Yurok Tribe | 2002 | Federal Coho Technical Recovery Team (TRT) Participation | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | N CA - S Oregon | $10,000 |
02-229 | KRITFWC Yurok Tribe | 2002 | GIS Support and Planning for the Lower Klamath | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | N CA - S Oregon | $20,000 |
HVT-FY07-Inverts | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2007 | Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $23,570 |
2007-1 | KRITFWC Klamath Tribes | 2007 | Sprague River Water Quality Assessment and Monitoring, and Water Quality Lab Development | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | - | $97,630 |
HVT-FY07-Model | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2007 | Phase 2 of Stream Health Characterization Model | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $8,121 |
HVT-FY07-Phy/Bio | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2007 | Physical and Biological Monitoring of HVT Tributaries | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $11,087 |
HVT-FY07-Outmigrant | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2007 | Outmigrant Monitoring of Juvenile Salmonids | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $81,901 |
HVT-FY07-IDT | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2007 | Interdisciplinary Team | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination | N CA - S Oregon | $14,625 |
511 | KRITFWC Yurok Tribe | 2007 | Klamath River Flow Study Activities | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N Central California Coast | $71,650 |
HVT-FY-07-WaterQual | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2007 | Monitoring of Continuous Water Quality Data Stations | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $28,768 |
TEPA 04 CDR M | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2004 | Continuous data recorder station monitoring | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $25,637 |
TEPA-04-CDR | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2004 | Installation of Continuous Water Quality Monitoring Station (Trinity River). | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $25,637 |
HVTFOR-04-CDRM | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2004 | Stream Water Temperature CDR Maintenance | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $2,718 |
HVTFOR-04-FREA | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2004 | WARSEM Forest Road Sediment Model | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory | N CA - S Oregon | $56,821 |
HVTFD-04-FYKE | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2004 | Abundance of Juvenile Salmonids in Tributary Streams of the Hoopa Valley Reservation, 2004 | Completed | Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E) | Monitoring | N CA - S Oregon | $65,679 |
HVTFD-04-IDT | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2004 | Inter-disciplinary Team Permitting 2004 | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory | N CA - S Oregon | $19,650 |
HVTFOR 646_0400 HRS | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2000 | Hostler Creek Road Survey | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory | N CA - S Oregon | $42,275 |
KRITFWC - Yurok 1 | KRITFWC Yurok Tribe | 2000 | Support for Technical Recovery Team Participation | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination; Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory | N CA - S Oregon | $5,000 |
HVTFD-00-Diversion | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2000 | Diversion Screening on Supply Creek, Hoopa Valley Reservation | Completed | Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition | Fish Screening | N CA - S Oregon | $70,871 |
HVTFOR 646_0400 HEW | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2000 | Heavy Equipment Operators Forest Road Workshop | Completed | Public Outreach, Education, and Landowner Recruitment | Outreach / Education | N CA - S Oregon | $12,100 |
Yurok 20112 | KRITFWC Yurok Tribe | 2011 | Yurok Tribal Nursery/Tree Planting and Estuary Restoration Planning Project | Completed | Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition | Pre-Restoration Acquisitions And Nursery Operations; Riparian Habitat | N CA - S Oregon | $35,000 |
Hostler Creek Fish Passage | KRITFWC Hoopa Valley Tribe | 2011 | Hostler Creek Fish Passage Restoration | Completed | Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition | Fish Passage Improvement | N CA - S Oregon | $87,000 |
Yurok 20115 | KRITFWC Yurok Tribe | 2011 | Shasta, Scott and Klamath River Collaborative Management | Completed | Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments | Restoration Planning And Coordination; Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory | N CA - S Oregon | $10,000 |