
Quota Share Calculator for Pacific Coast Groundfish


This calculator is a tool designed to help QS permit owners estimate the current year quota pounds (QP) associated with QS percentages. Please note that any sale of QS will not become effective until January 1st of the following year, and that the sector allocations are subject to change. Click on any zero in the "QS Percentage" or "QP Amount" columns below, and the other column will automatically calculate the equivalent amount for the current year.


Shorebased IFQ Sector Balances (round weight)
Vessel Limits   Accumulation Limits
Download Data
QS PercentageQP Amount
2024Arrowtooth flounder25,152,252
2024Bocaccio rockfish South of 40°10' N.1,531,926
2024Canary rockfish1,877,059
2024Chilipepper rockfish South of 40°10' N.3,345,735
2024Cowcod South of 40°10' N.53,836
2024Darkblotched rockfish1,420,526
2024Dover sole101,352,564
2024English sole18,222,220
2024Lingcod North of 40°10' N.3,513,000
2024Lingcod South of 40°10' N.623,026
2024Longspine thornyheads North of 34°27' N.4,415,594
2024Minor shelf rockfish North of 40°10' N.1,524,827
2024Minor shelf rockfish South of 40°10' N.358,096
2024Minor slope rockfish North of 40°10' N.1,929,022
2024Minor slope rockfish South of 40°10' N.913,992
2024Other flatfish9,155,555
2024Pacific cod2,291,264
2024Pacific halibut (IBQ) North of 40°10' N.201,667
2024Pacific ocean perch North of 40°10' N.6,244,902
2024Pacific whiting312,531,226
2024Petrale sole6,313,510
2024Sablefish North of 36° N.7,795,347
2024Sablefish South of 36° N.2,005,214
2024Shortspine thornyheads North of 34°27' N.2,463,048
2024Shortspine thornyheads South of 34°27' N.110,231
2024Splitnose rockfish South of 40°10' N.3,213,457
2024Starry flounder378,886
2024Widow rockfish22,856,821
2024Yelloweye rockfish7,517
2024Yellowtail rockfish North of 40°10' N.7,565,581
*Species not available for QS trading. See 660.140 Shorebased IFQ Program in the final rule of 50 CFR 660.