
Quota Pound Price Data


The Quota Pound Price Data Tab gives insight into market prices for QP trades for consideration in proposing new trades. This data is reported from the QP price transactions in the IFQ system, and we encourage participants to provide accurate price data so that this report will become more useful over time.

Quota Pound Price Data

Quota YearIFQ SpeciesPrice / lb.Trades YTD
2024Arrowtooth flounderNot Enough DataNot Enough Data
2024Bocaccio rockfish South of 40°10' N. $0.058
2024Canary rockfish $0.1712
2024Chilipepper rockfish South of 40°10' N. $0.013
2024Cowcod South of 40°10' N. $0.502
2024Darkblotched rockfish $0.197
2024Dover soleNot Enough DataNot Enough Data
2024English soleNot Enough DataNot Enough Data
2024Lingcod North of 40°10' N.Not Enough DataNot Enough Data
2024Lingcod South of 40°10' N.Not Enough DataNot Enough Data
2024Longspine thornyheads North of 34°27' N.Not Enough DataNot Enough Data
2024Minor shelf rockfish North of 40°10' N. $0.086
2024Minor shelf rockfish South of 40°10' N. $0.062
2024Minor slope rockfish North of 40°10' N. $0.053
2024Minor slope rockfish South of 40°10' N.Not Enough DataNot Enough Data
2024Other flatfishNot Enough DataNot Enough Data
2024Pacific codNot Enough DataNot Enough Data
2024Pacific halibut (IBQ) North of 40°10' N. $0.424
2024Pacific ocean perch North of 40°10' N.Not Enough DataNot Enough Data
2024Pacific whiting $0.014
2024Petrale sole $0.3127
2024Sablefish North of 36° N. $0.188
2024Sablefish South of 36° N.Not Enough DataNot Enough Data
2024Shortspine thornyheads North of 34°27' N.Not Enough DataNot Enough Data
2024Shortspine thornyheads South of 34°27' N.Not Enough DataNot Enough Data
2024Splitnose rockfish South of 40°10' N.Not Enough DataNot Enough Data
2024Starry flounderNot Enough DataNot Enough Data
2024Widow rockfish $0.068
2024Yelloweye rockfish $10.227
2024Yellowtail rockfish North of 40°10' N. $0.079
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