
Introduction: Welcome to the Consolidated GIS Data Catalog and Online Registry for the 5-Year Review of Pacific Coast Groundfish EFH (or EFH Catalog for short). At this site you'll find:

  1. Copies of full resolution maps presented in the Pacific Coast Groundfish 5-Year Review of Essential Fish Habitat Report to the Pacific Fishery Management CouncilPhase 1: New Information. & Appendix (Sept 2012) and EFH Synthesis Report (April 2013).

  2. ESRI Map Package (zipfiles) downloads for Phase I Report Substrate and Biogenic habitats and Synthesis Report Physical & Biogenic Habitats, Modeled Species Occurrence, and Fishing and Non-Fishing Impacts (including brief metadata records for each). Map packages contain all the supporting GIS layers.

  3. Tables of "sources" with links to the original data provider online (where possible) and a brief metadata report for each source:

  4. P1 Report - Substrate Data

    P1 Report - Bathymetry and Imagery Data (New)

    P1 Report - Biogenic Data

    P1 Report - Effort Data

    P1.5 Report - Synthesis Data (New)

  5. A collection web map services that present Phase 1 and Synthesis Report maps & figures as interactive maps.

  6. 2005 groundfish HSP model output:

  7. PDF Maps

    Disk 1 - ESRI Shapefiles

    Disk 2 - ESRI Shapefiles

    Disk 3 - ESRI Shapefiles

Disclaimer: We make every attempt to direct users to the primary source for dataset downloads. This means that the source download links typically point to external sites. Where sources are not already available online we do re-distribute if permissible or provide the contact information of the data owner.

Terms of Use: Graphics and Digital Data products originating from the EFHRC Phase I and NMFS Synthesis reports provided here may be freely reproduced, distributed, and used for non-commercial purposes. Digital data accessed through a download link to a source provider is subject to the terms of use of the provider and may differ from our terms.

Navigation: There are 4 core components to this site, each presented as a unique tab or group of tabs along the top (note that the tab color corresponds to component groupings).

Revision History: Last Revision - April 26th, 2016