
This catalog page provides links to habitat GIS data identified in the September 2012 Pacific Coast Groundfish 5-Year Review of Essential Fish Habitat Report to the Pacific Fishery Management CouncilPhase 1: New Information.
Specifically, here we provide a means to access the data identified in Appendix C, table C-1. We've taken every opprotunity to make sure that the links point to the original data provider when possible.
Therefore, clicking a data download button will typically initiate a download from the source provider.

Data providers include and abbreviations in the "Originator" field are as follows: CSUMB-SML = California State University, Seafloor Mapping Lab; MLML-CHS = Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Center for Habitat Studies; NOAA OE = NOAA Ocean Explorer; NOAA NOS = NOAA National Ocean Survey; NOAA PMEL = NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory; NSF = National Science Foundation; NSF OOI = NSF ocean Observing Initiative; OCNMS = Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary; OSU-AT&SML = Oregon State University, Active Tectonics & Seafloor Mapping Lab; USGS = United States Geological Survey; USN = United States Navy.

* March 16, 2013 - Please Note, not all substrate data downloads are unique. There are instances where the substrate data download button will provide a zipfile that's identical to a download offered at a different row or Reference #. This is not a mistake though it may cause confusion. The reason for this duplication is that some sources have been integrated into larger compilations or aggregate maps.

  Download All!
Download All Substrate Data Below! Format = ArcGIS 10.0 map package (.mpk), use the Extract Map Package tool to unpack. download all data  

Ref. No.Plate No.DatasetOriginatorSubstrateMetadata