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    New User Registration

    The NOAA Fisheries West Coast Permit Office is working to provide online resources to allow business owners and individuals to apply for permits and to renew existing permits. In order to protect your information and privacy, you will need to create a registered user in order to submit required information to the Permit Office. The user name for the new account will be set to the email address provided below.

    If you already have an account please click here to access the Permit Application site.

    To create a new user account, please provide the following information as well as the sum of the 3 dice, to ensure the page is not submitted by a non-human. Once you submit the information an email will be sent with a link to complete Permit Application user creation process. You will be asked to set a password before you can complete your application.



    The name of the business or individual that will apply for a permit.
    The email address used to contact the permit applicant. Also used as the user name for the new account.
    This site requires that the user provides the answer to a simple math question based on images. If you are visually impaired and need further assistance please contact the Pacific Coast Permit Office at 206-526-6119

    Terms of Use

    This U.S. Government system is to be used by authorized users only. Information from this system resides on computer systems funded by the Government. The data and documents on this system include Federal records that contain sensitive information protected by various Federal statutes, including the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, 16 U.SC. 1801 et seq.,the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. ยง 552a. All access or use of this system constitutes user understanding and acceptance of these terms and constitutes unconditional consent to review and action by all authorized Government and law enforcement personnel. Unauthorized user attempts or acts to (1) access, upload, change, or delete information on this system, (2) modify this system, (3) deny access to this system, (4) accrue resources for unauthorized use or (5) otherwise misuse this system are strictly prohibited. Such attempts or acts are subject to action that may result in criminal, civil, or administrative penalties.