Continued Juvenile Abundance Surveys of ESA-Listed Salmonids in Tributaries of the North Toutle

Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E)

Monitoring Research
Project ID2009-1
Recovery DomainsLower Columbia River
Start Date06/01/2008
End Date10/15/2011
Last Edited05/08/2024
1 - 1


FY 2009: Habitat surveys were completed during the low flow season of the year (August). Of the 12 major upper NF Toulte Tributaries 8 were surveyed upstream to fish passage barriers. Four tributaries were inaccessible (fire hazard closure) or dry. Habitat Types (pool, glide, riffle, cascade or tail-out) were measured and mapped. Canopy Cover was recorded. Channel substrate type (mud, sand gravel, cobble, and boulder) was recorded. Channel width and depth was measured for each Habitat Type. Large Woody Material counts were performed. This year we added hyporheic (ground-water) flow and pool tailout bed temperature survey to data collection.
Hyporheic (ground-water) flow and bed temperatures for tail-out habitats surveyed showed that excellent salmonid egg incubation habitat is well balanced with other habitat types in all creeks surveyed. High bed substrate temperatures were observed in some, but not all, tail-outs close to valley floor elevation.

FY 2011: Habitat surveys and snorkel survey methods were completed during the low flow season of the year (August-October). Of the 12 major upper NF Toulte Tributaries nine were surveyed upstream to fish passage barriers. Three tributaries were inaccessible or dry. Habitat Types (pool, glide, riffle, cascade or tail-out) were measured and mapped. Canopy Cover was recorded. Large Woody Material value was assessed. Channel substrate type (mud, sand gravel, cobble, and boulder) was recorded. Channel width and depth was measured for each Habitat Type. We placed temperature/light HOBOs in several tributaries. We performed “side-by side” snorkel and electro-fishing survey (Pullen Creek) to calibrate methods and change our fish survey methods to state of science.
All creek reaches were surveyed for habitat values; we used standard methods to select snorkel survey reaches. Three fish species were recorded: coho salmon, rainbow, and cutthroat trout. Other species encountered were not recorded. While all tributaries (except Coldwater Creek) had good pool habitat for coho juvenile rearing, only three tributaries had coho (Hoffstadt, Bear, and Alder). Coho densities and body condition of rearing coho in these tributaries was high and excellent.
High rearing densities of trout were found in glide and pool reaches in all other creeks surveyed. The creeks either had good numbers of rainbow (Castle Creek, other creeks) or cutthroat trout (Deer, Pullen and other creeks), but no coho.
We found that even during the low flow season bedload movement and bed temperature is high for valley floor tributary reaches lacking LWM and canopy cover. We observed no fish life in these reaches (several miles of potential habitat). Summer time low flow fish passage between tributaries on the valley floor is very limited. Several tributaries go subsurface at mouth, or dry (Elk Creek).
Our preliminary hypothesis from this survey work is that the limiting factor on juvenile salmonid production Upper NF Toutle is fish passage for juveniles between tributaries during low flow times, and coho adult spawner distribution during high flow times of the year.
High value summer rearing habitat is abundant. Only about 15% of existing coho summer rearing habitat is utilized by coho. In reaches with coho rearing densities were very high, and coho exhibited excellent body condition and vigor.
Glide and riffle habitat, preferred by trout for summer rearing is widely under-utilized (less than 30% carry capacity). This may be due to low flow fish passage conditions between tributaries. All salmonids observed displayed excellent body condition and vigor. The rearing density and body condition of rainbow trout rearing in Castle Creek was exceptionally high.

Project Benefit    

Determine and prioritize for repair fish passage barriers NF Toutle River. Increase abundance and rigor of steelhead trout and coho salmon populations. Evaluate on-going habitat restoration trend to guide basin management towards salmon recovery.


Metric Completed Originally
Research and Monitoring
  Stream Miles Monitored 36.00 24.00

Funding Details

Report Total:$57,485

Project Map



  • Worksite Identifier: 20117780
  • Start Date: 08/11/2008
  • End Date: 10/30/2011
Area Description

No Area Description data was found for this worksite.

Location Information

  • Basin: Lower Columbia (170800)
  • Subbasin:
  • Watershed:
  • Subwatershed:
  • State: Washington
  • Recovery Domain: Lower Columbia River
  • Latitude: 46.18
  • Longitude: -122.29


  • Lower Columbia River Coho Salmon ESU
  • Lower Columbia River Steelhead DPS




  • E.0 Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E)Y (Y/N)
    •      . . E.0.a RM&E Funding 64,400.00
    •      . . E.0.b
      Complement habitat restoration project
    •      . . E.0.c
      Project identified in a plan or watershed assessment.
      Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Plan (2004)
    •      . . E.0.d.1 Number of Cooperating Organizations 4
    •      . . E.0.d.2
      Name Of Cooperating Organizations.
      Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Weyerhaeuser Corporation, National Marine Fisheries Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Forest Service, US Geologic Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service
    •      . . E.0.e.1 Number of reports prepared 0
    •      . . E.0.e.2
      Name Of Report
    •      . . E.1 MonitoringY (Y/N)
      •      . . . . E.1.a Monitoring funding 47,400.00
      •      . . . . E.1.b.1 Stream Miles Monitored 36.00
      •      . . . . E.1.b.2 Acres of Watershed Area Monitored 43,520.0
      •      . . . . E.1.b.3 Square miles of water monitored68 (Square miles)
      •      . . . . E.1.c.2 Salmonid smolt or fry monitoringY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . . . E.1.c.2.a # miles (to nearest 0.01 mile) monitored for Salmonid smolt or fry 36.00
        •      . . . . E.1.d
          Name Of Comprehensive Monitoring Strategy/Program
          Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Plan (2004)
        •      . . . . E.1.e
          Description of monitoring
          No work has begun on the 2009 PCSRF Project
      •      . . E.2 ResearchY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . E.2.a Research Funding 17,000.00
        •      . . . . E.2.b.1 Modeling and data analysisY (Y/N)
          •      . . . . . . E.2.b.1.a
            Key issues addressed by modeling and data analysis research
            Juvenile summer rearing area and low flow season habitat production value. Juvenile fish distribution, fish passage