Cabin and Johnson Creek Restoration Project
Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition
Cabin and Johnson Creek Restoration | Lower Columbia River | 07/01/2023 | 12/31/2027 | 2023 | New | 11/19/2024 | |
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The Tribe proposes to restore fish passage, complexity and biophysical connectivity in Cabin and Johnson Creeks with the removal of barriers and placing wood to increase stream roughness, leading to increased sediment aggradations. Additional treatments to the riparian forests along these select reaches will accelerate natural forest succession, creating a future source of large wood to the system over time. Engineered log jams are proposed at key locations along the channel to maximize accommodation space for sediments and where overbank floodwaters are able to spread out. Channel spanning logjams are proposed to mimic larger wood accumulations and obstruct much of the channel, eliciting sediment deposition and channel bed aggradation, providing more spawning-suitable gravels. This project is another step forward in a multi-phased, process-based restoration approach to increase the productivity of the upper watershed. The log structures will restore instream structure to create stable spawning substrate, increasing egg incubation survival rates and create complex rearing habitat to increase over-winter survival of rearing winter steelhead and coho salmon populations.
Project Benefit
The Cabin and Johnson Restoration project is focused on restoring fish passage, instream complexity, and floodplain connectivity in Johnson and Cabin Creeks, tributaries to the Grays River, Pacific County, Washington. The proposed instream work at Johnson Creek includes disassembling three existing debris jams blocking fish passage between RM 0.7, 0.92 and 1.0. The extracted logs will be placed downstream and, in the channel, resulting in a fish-passable, complex channel. In nearby Cabin Creek, crews will construct sixteen engineered log jams (ELJs) instream, place 140 whole trees in the active channel and floodplain and conduct 5.6-acres of riparian forest enhancement. The cumulative effects of these restoration actions will restore instream structure to create stable spawning substrate, increasing egg incubation survival rates and create complex rearing habitat to increase over-winter survival of rearing winter steelhead and coho salmon populations.
Instream Habitat |
Stream Miles Treated |
.60 |
Fish Passage |
Barriers Removed |
3 |
Miles Opened |
1.50 |
Funding DetailsNo Funding data has been entered for this project.
Cabin Creek
- Worksite Identifier: Cabin Creek
- Start Date: 07/01/2023
- End Date: 12/31/2027
Area Description
Cabin Creek is a tributary to the Grays River, located in Pacific County and property owned and managed by Rayonier Timberlands.
Location Information
- Basin: Lower Columbia (170800)
- Subbasin: Lower Columbia (17080006)
- Watershed: Grays River (1708000603)
- Subwatershed: Mitchell Creek-Grays River (170800060301)
- State: Washington
- Recovery Domain: Lower Columbia River
- Latitude: 46.443042
- Longitude: -123.471519
No ESU data was found for this worksite.
- C.0
Salmonid Habitat Restoration and AcquisitionY (Y/N)
- . . C.0.a
Habitat restoration and acquisition funding .00
- . . C.0.b
Length of stream treated/protected
- . . C.4
Instream Habitat ProjectY (Y/N)
- . . . . C.4.a
Instream Habitat Funding
- . . . . C.4.b
Total length of instream habitat treated
- . . . . C.4.c.1
Channel reconfiguration and connectivityY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . C.4.c.2
Type of change to channel configuration and connectivity (LOV)
- . . . . . . C.4.c.3
Miles of stream treated for channel reconfiguration and connectivity
- . . . . . . C.4.c.4
Miles of off-channel stream created through channel reconfiguration and connectivity
- . . . . . . C.4.c.5
Acres of off-channel or floodplain connected through channel reconfiguration and connectivity
- . . . . . . C.4.c.6
Instream pools created/added through channel reconfiguration and connectivity
- . . . . C.4.d.1
Channel structure placementY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . C.4.d.2
Material used for channel structure (LOV)
- . . . . . . C.4.d.3
Miles of stream treated through channel structure placement
- . . . . . . C.4.d.4
Acres of streambed treated through channel structure placement
- . . . . . . C.4.d.5
Pools expected to be created through channel structure placement
- . . . . . . C.4.d.6
Yards of average stream-width at mid-point of channel structure placement project (Yards)
- . . . . . . C.4.d.7
Number of structures placed in channel
Johnson Creek
- Worksite Identifier: Johnson Creek
- Start Date: 07/01/2023
- End Date: 12/31/2027
Area Description
Johnson Creek is a tributary to the Grays River, located in Pacific County, and managed as commercial forest land by Rayonier.
Location Information
- Basin: Lower Columbia (170800)
- Subbasin: Lower Columbia (17080006)
- Watershed: Grays River (1708000603)
- Subwatershed:
- State: Washington
- Recovery Domain: Lower Columbia River
- Latitude: 46.462213
- Longitude: -123.487167
No ESU data was found for this worksite.
- C.0
Salmonid Habitat Restoration and AcquisitionY (Y/N)
- . . C.0.a
Habitat restoration and acquisition funding .00
- . . C.0.b
Length of stream treated/protected
- . . C.2
Fish Passage ImprovementY (Y/N)
- . . . . C.2.a
Fish Passage Funding
- . . . . C.2.b.1
Length of stream made accessible
- . . . . C.2.b.2
Square miles of streambed made accessible (Square miles)
- . . . . C.2.b.3
Type of blockage/barrier (LOV)
- . . . . C.2.b.4
Number of blockages/impediments/barriers impeding passage
- . . . . C.2.c.1
Fish passage blockages removed or altered (other than road crossings reported in C.2.f to C.2.i)Y (Y/N)
- . . . . . . C.2.c.2
Number of blockages/impediments/barriers removed/altered