PCSRF Administration 2023

Program Administration

Project ID23-CRITFC-01
Recovery Domains -
Start Date10/01/2023
End Date06/30/2028
Last Edited08/06/2024
1 - 1


CRITFC has been managing the PCSRF funded projects for its member tribes since 2000. For 2023, 24 new projects at an additional budget level of $5.3 million will need to be contracted, implemented, and monitored. Since 2000, 440 tribal and CRITFC projects at a total budget level of $49.7 million have been implemented. Of the implemented projects, 371 projects (84%) are completed, and 69 (14%) projects are ongoing. The majority of the projects are on-the-ground projects involving collaboration with federal, state and private landowners. The number of projects implemented will increase to 464 total projects (93 ongoing projects) with the addition of the FY 2023 ($5.3 million) funds.

Primary duties under this project include applying for the annual competitive PCSRF funding using the federal government application process, writing and amending subcontracts with the tribes, maintaining the PCSRF database, reports to the CRITFC Commission, budget tracking by project, financial management, gathering individual progress reports and submitting comprehensive progress reports to NOAA Fisheries, coordinating the project selection process and audit compliance (see attached timeline) process. Staff will also conduct project site visits when travel is permitted to make sure projects are being implemented in a timely manner and meeting all of the compliance requirements.

The project also involves participating in all meetings of NOAA Fisheries regarding planning, implementation, region-wide coordination, and reporting of the PCSRF effort. Continued efforts also include assembling the Phase II performance measures (metrics) from all CRITFC and tribal projects required by NOAA and entering them into the PCSRF database.

With multiple fiscal years under the PCSRF program and the addition of the FY 2023 funding, we will be managing 93 active individual projects simultaneously at a budget of nearly $13 million. The internal CRITFC audit requires detailed individual project budget tracking. The PCSRF electronic database has to be maintained and the development of reports and management of official documents has to continue.

CRITFC will compile the tribal progress reports along with reports on its own PCSRF salmon recovery activities. CRITFC will update the NOAA Fisheries PCSRF database as new or modified project information becomes available, or at least quarterly, so that the PCSRF database contains accurate descriptions and performance metrics for all completed, ongoing, and proposed projects.

Each tribe will submit semi-annual technical performance reports to CRITFC on September 30th (covering the period of March 1st to August 31st), and March 31st (covering the period of September 1st to February 28th) of each year of the contract, and a final report 90 days after the expiration of the underlying grant. It will be mandatory that the current PCSRF Performance Measure Metrics be completed for each respective project type during the reporting period.

CRITFC will compile the tribal progress reports along with reports on its own PCSRF salmon recovery activities. CRITFC will update the NOAA Fisheries PCSRF database as new or modified project information becomes available, or at least quarterly, so that the PCSRF database contains accurate descriptions and performance metrics for all completed, ongoing, and proposed projects. CRITFC will complete the PCSRF data validation reports and submit them to NOAA Fisheries on April 30th and October 30th of each year and remedy any problems identified by NOAA Fisheries staff.

CRITFC staff will meet with all tribal project managers to assist in developing spending plans/strategies for the PCSRF projects that will continue to incorporate the Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit.

Please see attached proposal document for a schedule of activities that will occur under this project.

Project Benefit    

This project will benefit all salmonid species in the Columbia Basin as a result of all the tribal projects being implemented.


Metric Completed Originally

Funding Details

Report Total:$158,965

Project Map


CRITFC Office    

  • Worksite Identifier: CRITFC Office
  • Start Date: 10/01/2023
  • End Date: 06/30/2028
Area Description
700 NE Multnomah Avenue, Suite 1200, Portland, OR 97232

Location Information

  • Basin:
  • Subbasin:
  • Watershed:
  • Subwatershed:
  • State: Oregon
  • Recovery Domain: Lower Columbia River
  • Latitude: 45.52
  • Longitude: -122.6819


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  • G.0 Program AdministrationY (Y/N)