FY23 Stillaguamish Smolt Outmigration Monitoring
Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E)
23-STIL-02 | Puget Sound | 01/01/2024 | 07/30/2025 | 2023 | New | 07/31/2024 | |
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The Tribe will install and operate a rotary screw trap on the lower Mainstem of the Stillaguamish River (RM 6) with the intent of capturing emigrant hatchery and wild Chinook smolts. We will estimate the relative contribution, size, and outmigration timing of the two groups for the purposes of monitoring the Chinook Natural Stock Restoration program. Data will also be collected on other salmonid species as well. Placement of the smolt trap in the lower Mainstem allows the majority of the entire watershed is sampled for outmigrating smolts. The trap will be deployed in early February and continue to capture fish through mid-July and be crewed by a team of two technicians.
Project Benefit
Measuring and understanding the inter-annual variation in run size of wild Chinook, listed as threatened under the ESA, is critical for managing harvest and prioritizing habitat restoration. Quantifying the number of smolts leaving the watershed is one of the few methods available that provides a direct measure of the year-to-year changes in freshwater survival and growth, free from the confounding influences of marine conditions.
Research and Monitoring |
Stream Miles Monitored |
119.00 |
Funding Details |
PCSRF | $101,857 |
Report Total: | $101,857 |
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RM 6
- Worksite Identifier: RM 6
- Start Date:
- End Date:
Area Description
River mile 6 of the mainstem Stillaguamish
Location Information
- Basin: Puget Sound (171100)
- Subbasin:
- Watershed:
- Subwatershed:
- State: Washington
- Recovery Domain: Puget Sound
- Latitude: 48.204998
- Longitude: -122.269664
- Puget Sound Chinook Salmon ESU
- E.0
Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E)Y (Y/N)
- . . E.0.a
RM&E Funding .00
- . . E.0.b
Complement habitat restoration project | |
- . . E.0.c
Project identified in a plan or watershed assessment. | |
- . . E.0.d.1
Number of Cooperating Organizations
- . . E.0.d.2
Name Of Cooperating Organizations. | |
- . . E.0.e.1
Number of reports prepared
- . . E.0.e.2
- . . E.1
MonitoringY (Y/N)
- . . . . E.1.a
Monitoring funding
- . . . . E.1.b.1
Stream Miles Monitored
- . . . . E.1.c.2
Salmonid smolt or fry monitoringY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . E.1.c.2.a
# miles (to nearest 0.01 mile) monitored for Salmonid smolt or fry
- . . . . E.1.d
Name Of Comprehensive Monitoring Strategy/Program | |
- . . . . E.1.e
Description of monitoring | |