Coal Creek and Cottonwood Creek Fish Passage

Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition

Fish Passage Improvement
Project IDAK57004
Recovery Domains -
Start Date03/01/2024
End Date11/30/2026
Last Edited05/21/2024
1 - 1


This project will replace the fish passage barrier culverts at Fern St./Cottonwood Creek and Sushana Dr./Coal Creek in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough (MSB) with stream-simulation culverts to restore unimpeded fish access to 23.01 km of instream habitat and 266.77 ha of lake habitat for coho, Chinook, and sockeye salmon.

Project Benefit    

This project will reconnect 23.01 kilometers of instream habitat and 266.77 hectares of lake habitat, restoring free and clear movement of juvenile salmonids and other anadromous and resident fish at two road crossings. Sizing the culverts to pass debris and sediment as well as water at the 100-year flood will greatly reduce the likelihood of catastrophic road failures introducing large volumes of sediment into streams. Stream simulation crossings are also more stable and less prone to bank scour, channel incision, or sediment accretion at a rate greater than the rest of the channel.


Metric Completed Originally
Fish Passage
  Barriers Removed
  Miles Opened 14.29

Funding Details

Report Total:$1,378,750

Project Map


Cottonwood Creek at Fern St.    

  • Worksite Identifier: Cottonwood Creek at Fern St.
  • Start Date:
  • End Date:
Area Description

No Area Description data was found for this worksite.

Location Information

  • Basin:
  • Subbasin:
  • Watershed:
  • Subwatershed:
  • State: Alaska
  • Recovery Domain:
  • Latitude: 61.56313
  • Longitude: -149.4504583


  • Un-Named ESU Sockeye
  • Un-Named ESU Coho




  • C.0 Salmonid Habitat Restoration and AcquisitionY (Y/N)
    •      . . C.0.a Habitat restoration and acquisition funding .00
    •      . . C.0.b Length of stream treated/protected
    •      . . C.0.c
      Project identified in a Plan or Watershed Assessment
    •      . . C.0.d.1 Project Monitoring (LOV)
    •      . . C.0.d.2 Monitoring Location (LOV)
    •      . . C.2 Fish Passage ImprovementY (Y/N)
      •      . . . . C.2.a Fish Passage Funding
      •      . . . . C.2.b.1 Length of stream made accessible
      •      . . . . C.2.b.2 Square miles of streambed made accessible (Square miles)
      •      . . . . C.2.b.3 Type of blockage/barrier (LOV)
      •      . . . . C.2.b.4 Number of blockages/impediments/barriers impeding passage
      •      . . . . C.2.f.1 Culvert installed or improved at road stream crossingY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . . . C.2.f.2 Number of culverts installed or improved
        •      . . . . . . C.2.f.3 Miles of stream made accessible by culvert installation/upgrade

Coal Creek at Sushana Dr.    

  • Worksite Identifier: Coal Creek at Sushana Dr.
  • Start Date:
  • End Date:
Area Description

No Area Description data was found for this worksite.

Location Information

  • Basin:
  • Subbasin:
  • Watershed:
  • Subwatershed:
  • State: Alaska
  • Recovery Domain:
  • Latitude: 61.66169
  • Longitude: -149.46677


  • Un-Named ESU Coho
  • Un-Named ESU Chinook




  • C.0 Salmonid Habitat Restoration and AcquisitionY (Y/N)
    •      . . C.0.a Habitat restoration and acquisition funding .00
    •      . . C.0.b Length of stream treated/protected
    •      . . C.0.c
      Project identified in a Plan or Watershed Assessment
    •      . . C.0.d.1 Project Monitoring (LOV)
    •      . . C.0.d.2 Monitoring Location (LOV)
    •      . . C.2 Fish Passage ImprovementY (Y/N)
      •      . . . . C.2.a Fish Passage Funding
      •      . . . . C.2.b.1 Length of stream made accessible
      •      . . . . C.2.b.3 Type of blockage/barrier (LOV)
      •      . . . . C.2.b.4 Number of blockages/impediments/barriers impeding passage
      •      . . . . C.2.f.1 Culvert installed or improved at road stream crossingY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . . . C.2.f.2 Number of culverts installed or improved
        •      . . . . . . C.2.f.3 Miles of stream made accessible by culvert installation/upgrade