Rogue River Ranch Side Chanel Restoration Project phase III

Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition

Instream Habitat Riparian Habitat
Project IDRRR Restoration phase III
Recovery DomainsN CA - S Oregon
Start Date07/01/2023
End Date09/15/2023
Last Edited02/27/2024
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Proposed Outcomes from 2022 Funding:

1. Construct rock and wood toe and fabric encapsulated soil lifts on the eroding bank

2. Remove invasive species within project foot print and replant with native species appropriate for the site

3. Construct large wood structures

Project Benefit    

This project will take a comprehensive approach to restoration by improving SONCC Coho critical habitat, by halting bank erosion to prevent find sediment delivery to the stream, restoring the native vegetation in the riparian areas and increasing stream complexity and side channel rearing habitat. We will be using a phased approach to address two of the highest priority recovery actions for the population: improving agricultural practices and increasing instream structure. Phase 1 of this project will include site surveys to determine the current existing habitat conditions and species that utilize the area. Phase II will be the development of design plans that will address the following: high summer water temperatures in rearing habitat through riparian planting and improve water quality by eliminating chronic source of sediment delivery to the stream; lack of spawning and pool habitat through the placement of instream structures, which will also increase the amount of refuge habitat available during peak winter flows. Phase III (funded by this grant) will implement the designs produced during earlier phases. The approach of the project in addressing the SONCC salmon limiting factors is to combine short-term treatments such as instream structure placement, with the restoration of altered riparian processes. This approach will be used to comprehensively restore Coho salmon critical habitat and secure viability of this population within the larger ESU.


Metric Completed Originally
Instream Habitat
  Stream Miles Treated .12
Riparian Habitat
  Stream Miles Treated .12
  Acres Treated 2.4

Funding Details

No Funding data has been entered for this project.

Project Map


Rogue River Ranch    

  • Worksite Identifier: Rogue River Ranch
  • Start Date: 07/01/2023
  • End Date: 12/31/2025
Area Description
Side Channel of Rogue River near Central Point, OR

Location Information

  • Basin: Southern Oregon Coastal (171003)
  • Subbasin: Middle Rogue (17100308)
  • Watershed: Gold Hill-Rogue River (1710030802)
  • Subwatershed: Whetstone Creek-Rogue River (171003080202)
  • State: Oregon
  • Recovery Domain: N CA - S Oregon
  • Latitude: 42.44154440416379
  • Longitude: -122.93684720992769


  • Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast Coho Salmon ESU




  • C.0 Salmonid Habitat Restoration and AcquisitionY (Y/N)
    •      . . C.0.a Habitat restoration and acquisition funding .00
    •      . . C.0.b Length of stream treated/protected
    •      . . C.0.c
      Project identified in a Plan or Watershed Assessment
    •      . . C.0.d.1 Project Monitoring (LOV)
    •      . . C.0.d.2 Monitoring Location (LOV)
    •      . . C.4 Instream Habitat ProjectY (Y/N)
      •      . . . . C.4.a Instream Habitat Funding
      •      . . . . C.4.b Total length of instream habitat treated
      •      . . . . C.4.e.1 Streambank stabilization Y (Y/N)
        •      . . . . . . C.4.e.2 Material Used For Streambank Stabilization (LOV)
        •      . . . . . . C.4.e.3 Miles of streambank stabilized
      •      . . . . C.4.g.1 Plant removal/controlY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . . . C.4.g.2
          Species of plants removed/controlled
        •      . . . . . . C.4.g.4 Acres of streambed treated for plant removal/control
      •      . . C.5 Riparian Habitat ProjectY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . C.5.a Riparian Habitat Funding
        •      . . . . C.5.b.1 Total riparian miles streambank treated
        •      . . . . C.5.b.2 Total Riparian Acres Treated
        •      . . . . C.5.c.1 Riparian plantingY (Y/N)
          •      . . . . . . C.5.c.2
            Species of plants planted in riparian
          •      . . . . . . C.5.c.3 Acres planted in riparian