The Stillaguamish Tribe Natural Resources Department will conduct weed control efforts at the Trafton property owned by the Stillaguamish Tribe. We have initiated feasibility and design for an extensive floodplain and instream habitat restoration project at this location. Currently, the property contains extensive infestations of invasive and noxious weeds and we have a window of time prior to construction to address the weeds. The purpose of the project is to control invasive and noxious weeds prior to initiation of further restoration actions. Natural Resources staff will lead work efforts to control weeds throughout the property using a variety of techniques. The tribe envisions using multiple approaches including manual removal, mechanical mowing, and targeted herbicide application depending on weed species, density, timing of work, and location. The desired outcome is to reduce weed density and areal extent throughout the property and retain existing native vegetation to benefit salmonid habitat.
The tribe began the scope of work described in the FY18 and FY19 proposals, and has had a chance to observe the species and extent of weeds at the Trafton property. It became apparent that the current level of effort would be insufficient to achieve a reasonable level of control prior to initiation of construction. Therefore, this FY21 project description expands the extent and effort of the ongoing restoration efforts at Trafton to include as much of the remaining acreage of the property as possible.