Oregon Coast Coho Restoration Collaborative Projects in Tribes' Ancestral Territory - Upper Bell Creek

Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition

Instream Habitat
Project IDUpper Bell-Project 2A
Recovery DomainsOregon Coast
Start Date08/06/2017
End Date06/30/2022
Last Edited04/16/2024
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The specific work included excavating the unnatural floodplain deposits which were a result of unnatural processes such as logging and agriculture. Using that deposited material, the Tribes and its partners filled the incised and straightened channel, burying introduced weeds in the bottom. A simulated anastomosing channel network was excavated on the resulting floodplain, large woody debris was placed, and then the excavated channels were reactivated with surface flow of Bell Creek.

As a result, this highly productive coho stream is providing improved rearing conditions for juvenile coho salmon. Compared to nearby survey reaches by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, this stream is increasing the relative productivity and producing more juvenile salmon than it was before the project.

Project Benefit    

Species Benefited: Oregon Coast ESU Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch):ESA-listed as a Threatened Species (76 FR 35755). The project occurs in designated Critical Habitat (73 FR 7816) and Essential Fish Habitat designated under the Magnuson-Stevens Act (PFMC 1999). Oregon Coast ESU Steelhead (Onchorhynchus mykiss): NOAA Species of Concern (69 FR 19975). Managed under the Magnuson-Stevens Act; Essential Fish Habitat not identified. Pacific Lamprey (Entosphenus tridentata): U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Species of Concern (69 FR 77158). This project is responsive to the Conservation Measures identified by the Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative (Luzier et al. 2011). The Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw are signatories on the Conservation Agreement for Pacific Lamprey.

Outcomes and Benefits:

The completion of this project will produce a number of benefits

• Restore natural anastamosing channel form and fill linear drainage ditches.

• Reconnect the Upper Bell and Fivemile Creeks to their historical floodplains. (Paid for using these funds by regrading 7.5 acres of disconnected floodplain)

• Remove invasive plant species and establish natural species.

• Place a large wood pieces in the new channel and on the floodplain.

The channel reconstruction seeks to address disrupted watershed functions resulting from historic and current land use practices, including timber harvest and agriculture. The Channel reconstruction proposed will improve aquatic habitat complexity, increase juvenile salmonid rearing habitat by re-connecting floodplains, and address stream bank erosion. The other habitat enhancements, such as the removal of invasive plant species and native re-vegetation (funded separately), will improve habitat complexity in the floodplain and the riparian areas, improving overall water quality and resiliency of the system.


Metric Completed Originally
Instream Habitat
  Stream Miles Treated 1.50 1.50

Funding Details

Report Total:$130,584

Project Map


Upper Bell - Project 2A    

  • Worksite Identifier: Upper Bell - Project 2A
  • Start Date: 07/01/2017
  • End Date: 06/30/2022
Area Description
Tahkenitch 6th Field HUC: 171002070104

Location Information

  • Basin: Northern Oregon Coastal (171002)
  • Subbasin: Siltcoos (17100207)
  • Watershed: Siltcoos River-Frontal Pacific Ocean (1710020701)
  • Subwatershed: Tahkenitch Lake-Frontal Pacific Ocean (171002070104)
  • State: Oregon
  • Recovery Domain: Oregon Coast
  • Latitude: 43.8380921901
  • Longitude: -124.0214467049


  • Oregon Coast Coho Salmon ESU
  • Oregon Coast Steelhead DPS




  • C.0 Salmonid Habitat Restoration and AcquisitionY (Y/N)
    •      . . C.0.a Habitat restoration and acquisition funding 61,451.00
    •      . . C.0.b Length of stream treated/protected 4.00
    •      . . C.0.c
      Project identified in a Plan or Watershed Assessment
      The Siuslaw Coho Partnership (2019) Strategic Action Plan for Coho Salmon Recovery-The Siuslaw River, http://www.siuslaw.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Siuslaw-SAP-Coho-Salmon-Recovery.pdf (Attached in Documents tab)
    •      . . C.0.d.1 Project Monitoring (LOV)
    •      . . C.0.d.2 Monitoring Location (LOV)
    •      . . C.4 Instream Habitat ProjectY (Y/N)
      •      . . . . C.4.a Instream Habitat Funding 61,451.00
      •      . . . . C.4.b Total length of instream habitat treated 1.50
      •      . . . . C.4.c.1 Channel reconfiguration and connectivityY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . . . C.4.c.2 Type of change to channel configuration and connectivity (LOV)
        •      . . . . . . C.4.c.3 Miles of stream treated for channel reconfiguration and connectivity 1.50
        •      . . . . . . C.4.c.4 Miles of off-channel stream created through channel reconfiguration and connectivity 1.50
        •      . . . . . . C.4.c.5 Acres of off-channel or floodplain connected through channel reconfiguration and connectivity 20.0
        •      . . . . . . C.4.c.6 Instream pools created/added through channel reconfiguration and connectivity 20