Hood River Small Scale Restoration Initiative
Public Outreach, Education, and Landowner Recruitment
11-Warm-03 | Lower Columbia River | 03/01/2012 | 06/30/2016 | 2011 | Completed | 01/14/2025 | |
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This proposal was to provide technical and logistical assistance for small scale riparian restoration projects to local landowners with property that abuts salmon bearing streams and tributaries within the Hood River basin. The program provided technical and material support to landowners committed to implementing projects within their property boundaries. Additionally project funds were used to support restoration workshops during which landowners projects were solicited. Types of restoration projects that were promoted include: riparian planting, riparian fencing, and the addition of woody debris to the stream channel / floodplain.
The Hood River Small Scale Restoration Initiative (SSRI) was a successful program. A total of nine stream restoration or protection projects were implemented under the SSRI with PCSRF dollars. Five of the projects consisted of fencing off and enhancing riparian habitats, two projects consisted of replanting riparian vegetation, one project improved water quality by reducing sediment and manure runoff into a stream, and another project address fish passage by the installation of a fish screen on an outdated irrigation diversion. Funds were spread throughout the entire Hood River basin with projects on Lenz Creek and Neal Creek (Neal Creek watershed), Wisehart Creek, Baldwin Creek, and Graham Creek (East Fork Hood River watershed), and along the Mainstem Hood River. These projects continue past restoration efforts that have been completed within the Hood River Watershed. Specifically, these projects improved riparian health - which will decrease stream sedimentation, intercept pesticide drift, reduce manure runoff and improve water quality, and ultimately improve conditions for ESA listed salmonids within the basin. Please see photos of individual projects in attached final report.
Project Benefit
Revegetation and protection of riparian habitat will improve general water quality. Riparian vegetation will increase stream shading, increase streambank stabilization, reduce erosion, and filter runoff. As the riparian forest matures, it will contribute large woody debris into the stream system, thus providing key instream habitat for salmonids, as well as improving stream ecosystem function and process; such as floodplain connectivity. The program will promote landowner awareness of instream values and restoration techniques along with providing support to small scale riparian restoration projects. Degraded salmon habitat will be restored and long term landowner riparian stewardship will be promoted
Funding Details |
PCSRF | $25,128 |
Other | $60,000 |
In-Kind Donated Labor | $5,000 |
Report Total: | $90,128 |
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Neal Creek
- Worksite Identifier: Neal Creek
- Start Date:
- End Date:
Area Description
No Area Description data was found for this worksite.
Location Information
- Basin: Middle Columbia (170701)
- Subbasin: Middle Columbia-Hood (17070105)
- Watershed: 1707010507
- Subwatershed:
- State: Oregon
- Recovery Domain: Lower Columbia River
- Latitude: 45.68210929921752
- Longitude: -121.56079083680866
- Lower Columbia River Coho Salmon ESU
- Lower Columbia River Steelhead DPS
- Lower Columbia River Chinook Salmon ESU
- F.0
Public Outreach, Education, and Landowner RecruitmentY (Y/N)
- . . F.0.a
Outreach, Education and Recruitment funding 90,128.00
- . . F.0.b.1
Amount of habitat protected -- acres 4.7
- . . F.0.b.2
Number of watersheds protected 3
- . . F.0.b.3
Miles of stream protected .65
- . . F.0.c
Habitat treatments leveraged (LOV)
- . . F.0.d
Value of treatments leveraged 65,500.00
- . . F.0.e
Restoration projects proposed 9
- . . F.2
Landowner RecruitmentY (Y/N)
- . . . . F.2.a
Landowner recruitment funding 90,128.00
- . . . . F.2.b.1
Acres of habitat affected 4.7
- . . . . F.2.b.2
Miles of stream affected 1
- . . . . F.2.c.1
Landowners ContactedY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . F.2.c.2
Number of Landowners Contacted 45
- . . . . . . F.2.c.3
Number of Plans Or Designs Developed 9