Unuk Coho

Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E)

Project IDAK45024
Recovery Domains -
Start Date04/01/2001
End Date06/30/2005
Last Edited01/14/2025
1 - 1


This project estimated coho smolt and adult abundance in the Unuk River and gathered age, sex, length data; smolts were coded-wire tagging when emigrating and adults were monitored using a mark-recapture experiment.

Project Benefit    

1. Precise estimates of total coho salmon production, exploitation and survival will be obtained from a relatively large stock (30,000 to 60,000 adults produced annually) in the southern inside area.
2. Improved in-season management for southern inside coho salmon stocks. This stock has an early to mid season run timing. This attribute is important because tag recoveries in marine fisheries are relatively stable in July and August. By standardizing in-season recoveries to the number of smolt tagged, an estimate of marine survival and run strength can be obtained early enough in the season to allow management actions to shape fisheries and exploitation.
3. Funding of this project will allow a habitat assessment of the Unuk River drainage to be conducted collaboratively with the Transboundary Watershed Project. This will provide an excellent opportunity to integrate data on coho salmon production with habitat data in a medium-sized transboundary glacial system.
4. A detailed operational plan for the CWT work will be submitted by April 15, 2001.


Metric Completed Originally
Research and Monitoring
  Stream Miles Monitored 50.00 .00

Funding Details

Report Total:$218,226

Project Map



  • Worksite Identifier: 463
  • Start Date:
  • End Date:
Area Description

No Area Description data was found for this worksite.

Location Information

  • Basin: Southern Southeast Alaska (190101)
  • Subbasin: Burroughs Bay (19010105)
  • Watershed:
  • Subwatershed:
  • State: Alaska
  • Recovery Domain:
  • Latitude: 56.197389
  • Longitude: -130.925764


  • Un-Named ESU Coho




  • E.0 Salmonid Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RM&E)Y (Y/N)
    •      . . E.0.a RM&E Funding 218,226.00
    •      . . E.0.b
      Complement habitat restoration project
    •      . . E.0.c
      Project identified in a plan or watershed assessment.
    •      . . E.0.d.1 Number of Cooperating Organizations 0
    •      . . E.0.d.2
      Name Of Cooperating Organizations.
      ADF&G and SSSF Science Coordination Committee Panel. 2003. Sustainable salmon strategy for Southeast Alaska - 2003, an interagency strategy to determine priorities for southeast sustainable salmon funds and other inititatives. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Juneau, AK
    •      . . E.0.e.1 Number of reports prepared 4
    •      . . E.0.e.2
      Name Of Report
      Weller, J. L., E. L. Jones III, and A. B. Holm. 2002. Production of coho salmon from the Unuk River, 2000-2001. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Data Series 02-29, Anchorage. http://www.sf.adfg.state.ak.us/FedAidPDFs/fds02-29.pdf Weller, J. L., E. L. Jones III, D. R. Bernard, and A. B. Holm. 2003. Production of coho salmon from the Unuk River, 2001-2002. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Data Series 03-37, Anchorage. http://www.sf.adfg.state.ak.us/FedAidPDFs/fds03-37.pdf Weller, J. L., E. L. Jones III, and A. B. Holm. 2005. Production of coho salmon from the Unuk River, 2002-2003. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Data Series 05-21, Anchorage. http://www.sf.adfg.state.ak.us/FedAidPDFs/fds05-21.pdf Weller, J. L., E. L. Jones III, and A. B. Holm. In prep. Production of coho salmon from the Unuk River, 2003-2004. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Fishery Data Series 06-XX, Anchorage.
    •      . . E.1 MonitoringY (Y/N)
      •      . . . . E.1.a Monitoring funding 218,226.00
      •      . . . . E.1.b.1 Stream Miles Monitored 50.00
      •      . . . . E.1.b.2 Acres of Watershed Area Monitored .0
      •      . . . . E.1.c.1 Adult salmonid population monitoringY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . . . E.1.c.1.a # miles (to nearest 0.01 mile) monitored for adult salmonids 50.00
      •      . . . . E.1.c.2 Salmonid smolt or fry monitoringY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . . . E.1.c.2.a # miles (to nearest 0.01 mile) monitored for Salmonid smolt or fry 50.00
        •      . . . . E.1.d
          Name Of Comprehensive Monitoring Strategy/Program