Integrated acoustic and trawl survey of Pacific hake off the Pacific Coast
Biological data
Dataset Description
Biological data collected from FSCS during catch processing
Data contact
Alicia Billings
InPort Dataset Reference
View complete data set metadata: 18470
Catch Acoustics Fact
Table description
Catch data from the Integrated acoustic and trawl survey of Pacific hake off the Pacific Coast
InPort Entity Reference
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Preferred Citation
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Operation Dim$Return Port Whid (NUMBER)
port reference for return port.
Tow End Timestamp (TEXT)
operation end date timestamp.
leg number of the survey.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Subphylum 22 (TEXT)
subphylum name.
Operation Dim$Captain Person Whid (NUMBER)
person reference for the vessel captain.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Phylum 20 (TEXT)
phylum name.
Equilibrium Latitude Dim$Latitude Compass Direction (TEXT)
latitude compass direction. Units for values are NA.
Statistical Partition Whid (NUMBER)
Warehouse identifier for statistical partition.
Most Recent Taxonomy Update Date Dim$Year (NUMBER)
numeric representation of year.
Equilibrium Longitude Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
longitude record type or reason record is unavailable.
Sampling Start Time Dim$Second (NUMBER)
number of seconds in the minute. Units for values are sec.
Equilibrium Latitude Whid (NUMBER)
Warehouse identifier for equilibrium latitude.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Pacfin Spid (TEXT)
pacfin species id - many taxa may not have one of these.
Operation Dim$Ifq Account Number (TEXT)
unique number assigned to user accounts in the Vessel Accounting Database.
Equilibrium Latitude Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
latitude record type or reason record is unavailable. Units for values are NA.
Sampling End Time Dim$Hour (NUMBER)
standard representation of the hour. Units for values are hr.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Superclass 28 (TEXT)
superclass name.
Sample Weight Lb (NUMBER)
Weight of a sample of the catch measured in pounds. Units for values are lb.
Most Recent Taxonomy Update Date Dim$Month Name (TEXT)
text representation of month.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Genus 70 (TEXT)
genus name.
Weight In Haul Lb (NUMBER)
Weight of the organisms for the species found in the haul measured in pounds. Units for values are lb.
Average Bottom Depth Dim$Boundary Indicator (TEXT)
depth boundry indicator identifying ifp boundary marks.
Operation Dim$Operation Start Time Whid (NUMBER)
start time reference for the operation.
Equilibrium Longitude Dim$Longitude In Degree Minute Second (TEXT)
string representation of longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds for example 45°25'01".
Operation Dim$Scientist 1 Person Whid (NUMBER)
person reference for the first scientist.
Net Liftoff Time (TEXT)
military time representation of the time.
Sampling Start Time Dim$Minute (NUMBER)
number of minutes in the hour. Units for values are min.
Operation Dim$Scientist 4 Person Whid (NUMBER)
person reference for the fourth scientist.
Sampling Start Time Whid (NUMBER)
Warehouse identifier for the sampling start time.
Equilibrium Latitude Dim$Latitude In Degree Minute Second (TEXT)
string representation of latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds for example 45°25'01". Units for values are NA.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Itis Taxonomic Serial No (NUMBER)
ITIS taxonomic identifier. Units for values are unspecified.
Operation Dim$Departure Port Whid (NUMBER)
port reference for the departure port.
pass number of the survey.
Sampling End Time Dim$Period (TEXT)
period of time.
Operation Dim$Scientist 3 Person Whid (NUMBER)
person reference for the third scientist.
Weight In Haul Kg (NUMBER)
Weight of the organisms for the species found in the haul measured in kilograms. Units for values are kg.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Structure Source (TEXT)
Source of the taxonomic structure. Units for values are unspecified.
Most Recent Taxon Update (TEXT)
full date value.
Equilibrium Longitude Dim$Longitude Second Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of longitude that makes up the second unit only. Units for values are sec.
Equilibrium Latitude Dim$Latitude Degree Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of latitude that makes up the degree unit only. Units for values are deg.
Whole Haul Weight Lb (NUMBER)
Weight for the catch that hasn't been sampled out but is the actual measured weight for the haul measured in pounds. Units for values are lb.
Project (TEXT)
project name.
Partition (TEXT)
Refines the partition type.
Sampling Start Time Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
time record or reason record is unavailable.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Observer Species Id (NUMBER)
species identifier used by the observer program.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Worms Aphiaid (NUMBER)
WoRMS taxonomic identifier. Units for values are unspecified.
Operation Dim$Scientist 2 Person Whid (NUMBER)
person reference for the second scientist.
Sampling Start Time Dim$Military Hour (NUMBER)
military representation of the hour.
Most Recent Taxonomy Update Date Dim$Yyyymmdd (TEXT)
text representation of year month day.
Net Touchdown Time (TEXT)
military time representation of the time.
Operation Dim$Vessel Id (NUMBER)
field database vessel id number.
Sampling Start Time Dim$Period (TEXT)
period of time.
Trawl Id (NUMBER)
identifier for a sampling operation.
Equilibrium Latitude Dim$Latitude Minute Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of latitude that makes up the minute unit only. Units for values are min.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Hookandline Species Id (NUMBER)
species identifier used by hook and line.
Sampling End Time Dim$Military Hour (NUMBER)
military representation of the hour.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
record or reason record is unavailable.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Scientific Name Taxonomic Level (TEXT)
name of the lowest taxonomic level used to define scientific name.
Sampling Start Time Dim$Hour (NUMBER)
standard representation of the hour. Units for values are hr.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Pacfin Nom Spid (TEXT)
PacFIN nominal species identifier. Units for values are unspecified.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Superfamily 48 (TEXT)
superfamily name.
Program (TEXT)
type of fram program.
Sampling End Hhmmss (TEXT)
concatenation of military hour, minute, second, example 230415 equates to 23:04:15.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Superorder 38 (TEXT)
superorder name.
Most Recent Taxonomy Update Date Dim$Day Of Month (NUMBER)
numeric representation of the day in month.
Total Catch Weight Kg (NUMBER)
Weight of the total catch for the tow measured in kilograms. Units for values are kg.
Operation Dim$State Registration Number (TEXT)
state registration number for the vessel.
Sampling End Time Whid (NUMBER)
Warehouse identifier for the sampling end time.
Operation Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
operation record or reason record is unavailable.
Average Weight Kg (NUMBER)
Average weight of the species in this haul (weight_in_haul/number_in_haul) measured in kilograms. Units for values are kg.
Equilibrium Latitude Dim$Named Parallel (TEXT)
name of parallel, boundary, or commonly used geograpical location. Units for values are NA.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Common Name (TEXT)
only one broadly used common name is supported by this design. If the common name is not fairly universally used or is used by more than one taxon this should be left null.
Whole Haul Indicator (NUMBER)
Indicates if the catch weighed is the entire haul or a subsample.
Operation Dim Whid (NUMBER)
Warehouse identifier for operation.
Most Recent Taxonomy Update Date Whid (NUMBER)
Warehouse identifier for most recent taxonomy update date.
Number In Haul (NUMBER)
Count of the organisms for the species found in the haul; some of these may be extrapolated numbers.
Field Identified Taxonomy Whid (NUMBER)
Warehouse identifier to field identified taxonomy.
operation number of the survey.
Equilibrium Longitude Dim$Longitude Minute Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of longitude that makes up the minute unit only. Units for values are min.
Average Bottom Depth Dim$Depth Fathoms (NUMBER)
depth low precision measurement in fathoms converted from meters measured to the tenth of a meter except for special fathom boundaries. Units for values are fth.
Average Bottom Depth Whid (NUMBER)
Warehouse identifier for average bottom depth.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Infraclass 34 (TEXT)
infraclass name.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Subspecies 82 (TEXT)
subspecies name.
Operation Dim$Coast Guard Number (TEXT)
Coast Guard documentation number of vessel.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Kingdom 10 (TEXT)
kingdom name.
Most Recent Taxonomy Update Date Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
date, month, or year record or reason record is unavailable.
Sampling End Time Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
time record or reason record is unavailable.
Average Bottom Depth Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
depth record or reason record is unavailable.
Sampling End Time Dim$Minute (NUMBER)
number of minutes in the hour. Units for values are min.
Whole Haul Weight Kg (NUMBER)
Weight for the catch that hasn't been sampled out but is the actual measured weight for the haul measured in kilograms. Units for values are kg.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Tribe 60 (TEXT)
tribe name.
operation year. Units for values are year.
Equilibrium Latitude Dim$Latitude In Degrees (NUMBER)
numeric representation of latitude in degrees. Units for values are dd.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Subfamily 52 (TEXT)
subfamily name.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Subclass 32 (TEXT)
subclass name.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Class 30 (TEXT)
class name.
Equilibrium Longitude Whid (NUMBER)
Warehouse identifier for equilibrium longitude.
Operation Dim$Operation End Date Whid (NUMBER)
end date reference for the operation.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Grp Nonstandard Taxon 99 (TEXT)
a pseudo taxonomic level that has a common usage such as Invertebrata, Pisces (Fish). This has been designed to allow for only one level of para- or poly-phyletic group that is the terminus of the definition (it may be associated with a higher level taxonomic hierarchy). Consequently a definition such as Fish->Roundfish would not be supported with this design.
Operation Dim$Departure Date Whid (NUMBER)
date reference that vessel departed for the defined leg or trip.
Statistical Partition Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
statistical partition record or reason record is unavailable.
Sampling End Time Dim$Second (NUMBER)
number of seconds in the minute. Units for values are sec.
Operation Dim$Fpc Person Whid (NUMBER)
person reference for the FPC.
Sampling Start Hhmmss (TEXT)
concatenation of military hour, minute, second, example 230415 equates to 23:04:15.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Infraorder 44 (TEXT)
infraorder name.
Performance (TEXT)
performance of the operation.
Total Catch Weight Lb (NUMBER)
Weight of the total catch for the tow measured in pounds. Units for values are lb.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Norpac Species Id (NUMBER)
A three-digit numeric code assigned by the NMFS Observer Program to each different marine organism expected to be seen in the Bering Sea and northeast Pacific Ocean. Each number is uniquely associated with a species_name and a scientific name. Units for values are unspecified.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Suborder 42 (TEXT)
suborder name.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Family 50 (TEXT)
family name.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Species Category (TEXT)
upper-level taxonomic ranking.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Scientific Name (TEXT)
scientific name generally composed of the genus and species name and subspecies name if available, but may be the highest taxonomic level.
Most Recent Taxonomy Update Date Dim$Month Abbrev (TEXT)
three character representation of month in capital letters.
Tow Start Timestamp (TEXT)
operation start date timestamp.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Species Sub Category (TEXT)
mid-level taxonomic ranking.
Operation Dim$Return Date Whid (NUMBER)
date reference that vessel returned for the defined leg or trip.
Operation Dim$Observer Program (TEXT)
description of the observer program.
Statistical Partition Dim$Statistical Partition Type (TEXT)
Defines the partition type.
Equilibrium Longitude Dim$Longitude Degree Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of longitude that makes up the degree unit only. Units for values are deg.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Acoustics Species Id (NUMBER)
Species ID used in the acoustics program. Units for values are unspecified.
Operation Dim$Operation Start Date Whid (NUMBER)
start date reference for the operation.
Average Bottom Depth Dim$Depth Meters (NUMBER)
depth low precision measurement in meters to the tenth of a meter (except for special fathom boundaries). Units for values are m.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Order 40 (TEXT)
order name.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Species 80 (TEXT)
species name.
Equilibrium Longitude Dim$Longitude In Degrees (NUMBER)
numeric representation of longitude in decimal degrees. Units for values are dd.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Trawl Survey Species Id (NUMBER)
species identifier used by the trawl survey.
Average Weight Lb (NUMBER)
Average weight of the species in this haul (weight_in_haul/number_in_haul) measured in pounds. Units for values are lb.
Operation Dim$Operation Type (TEXT)
type of operation.
Vessel (TEXT)
name of the vessel used for the operation.
Most Recent Taxonomy Update Date Dim$Month Of Year (NUMBER)
numeric representation of month of year.
Equilibrium Longitude Dim$Longitude Compass Direction (TEXT)
longitude compass direction.
Equilibrium Latitude Dim$Latitude Second Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of latitude that makes up the second unit only. Units for values are sec.
Operation Dim$Operation End Time Whid (NUMBER)
end time reference for the operation.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Abbreviated Name (TEXT)
specialized common name, generally for a well-known species of fish such as ATF, LST, SST.
Operation Dim$Limited Entry Permit Number (TEXT)
federal limited entry groundfish permit issued to fish in waters off of Washington, Oregon, and California.
Operation Dim$Field Operation Seg Id (NUMBER)
operation segment id reference to the field operational segment table.
Operation Dim$Trip Id (NUMBER)
trip identifier number.
Field Identified Taxonomy Dim$Grp Reg Depth Category (TEXT)
management grouping mostly for rockfishes (but could be assigned to any species): nearshore, shelf, or slope, or in future shallower shelf and deeper shelf.
Sample Weight Kg (NUMBER)
Weight of a sample of the catch measured in kilograms. Units for values are kg.
Transect Whid (NUMBER)
Warehouse identifier for transect.
Record Number (TEXT)
An indication of the total number of records in the data. Added to help indicate how much data should be expected when accessing or downloading, so end users know if they got all the data.
Accessed Date (TEXT)
The date on which this data was accessed or downloaded. Added when data is delivered to record when the data was downloaded.
Source Url (TEXT)
The human interface access point for this data table.
Preferred Citation (TEXT)
The preferred citation for this data table.


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