NWFSC Projects

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ProjectNameProgramData sets
Marine Pelagic Food WebEvaluating the ecological health of Puget Sound's pelagic foodwebWatershed3
Food web role of bald eaglesTrophic impacts of bald eagles in the Puget Sound food webEcosystem Science2
Stable Isotopes in PredatorsCharacterizing ecosystem role of sharksEcosystem Science1
Puget Sound food web modelingDeveloping food web models for ecosystem-based management applications in Puget Sound.Ecosystem Science2
Ocean acidification labOcean acidification species exposure experimental facilityGenetics and Evolution1
Groundfish MovementMovement and habitat use patterns of top predators and keystone species in the benthic food web.Ecosystem Science6
Coupled OA/biology samplingField work coupling measurements of carbon chemistry and distribution of free-living organismsGenetics and Evolution1
CROOSCollaborative Research on Oregon Ocean SalmonMathematical Biology and Systems Monitoring1
California Current modelingDeveloping end-to-end models of the California Current Large Marine EcosystemEcosystem Science4
Jellyfish Movement PatternsDetermining Movement Patterns of JellyfishEcosystem Science1
PNW cetacean muscle biochemMuscle Myoglobin Content and Acid Buffering Capacity of Cetaceans from the Pacific Northwest to Assess Dive Capacity and the Development of Diving Capabilities Ecosystem Science1
Modeling impacts of OAModeling the impacts of ocean acidification on ecosystems and populationsGenetics and Evolution1
Non fisheries threatsRisk, status and trends of non-fisheries threats in the California Current to groundfish species.Ecosystem Science1
PODs cruisesPacific Orcinus Distrbution Survey Ecosystem Science1
Cedar RiverRecolonization of the Cedar River, WA by Pacific salmonWatershed3
FRAM Acoustics - 4Integrated acoustic and trawl survey of Pacific hake off the Pacific CoastGroundfish Ecology2
Pre-recruit surveysPre-recruit surveys to aid stock assessmentEcosystem Analysis, Estuarine and Ocean Ecology1
CCIEACalifornia Current Integrated Ecosystem AssessmentEcosystem Science1
Groundfish Habitat Use DBGroundfish Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Habitat Use Database (HUD)Groundfish Ecology1
Marine mammal diet and prey availabilityDiet and prey availability of SRKW top marine predatorsEcosystem Science1
Marine survival of Puget Sound salmonEstimating the ecosystem indicators of anadromous salmonids in the Puget Sound regionWatershed1
National Estuary AssessmentNational Assessment of Estuary and Coastal HabitatsWatershed1
Juvenile Salmonid Parasites in the Columbia River PlumeJuvenile Salmonid Parasite DataEstuarine and Ocean Ecology1
Elwha Dam Removal - NearshoreElwha dam removal neashore monitoring and Salish Sea forage fish assessmentEstuarine and Ocean Ecology1
Action Effectiveness Monitoring and Evaluation-Columbia EstuaryJuvenile salmon in the Columbia River estuary: Action Effectiveness Monitoring and EvaluationEstuarine and Ocean Ecology1
Pre-Recruit SurveyCoastwide Cooperative Pre-recruit SurveyEstuarine and Ocean Ecology2
CSVIDependence, Vulnerability and Well-being of fishers and fishing communities in the California Current Ecosystem Ecosystem Science - Human Dimensions1
FRAM Trawl Survey - 12025 West Coast Groundfish Bottom Trawl Survey and Indices of AbundanceGroundfish Ecology, Groundfish Ecology - Fisheries Research Survey1
FRAM Hook and Line Survey - 12025 Southern California Shelf Rockfish Hook and Line Survey Groundfish Ecology, Groundfish Ecology - Fisheries Research Survey1
Strait of Juan de Fuca IMWMovement and Survival of Juvenile Salmonids in Small StreamsWatershed1
Juvenile Salmon & Ocean Ecosystem SurveyJuvenile Salmon & Ocean Ecosystem Survey and Salmon Ocean Behavior and DistributionEstuarine and Ocean Ecology, Estuarine and Ocean Ecology - Ocean Ecology6
Euphausiid biomass in the CCLMELinking estimates of euphausiid biomass in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem to ecosystem-based fisheries managementGroundfish Ecology - Fisheries Engineering and Acoustic Technologies1
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