• Projects
  • Developing end-to-end models of the Gulf of California


Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC) Conservation Biology CB - Ecosystem Science


Gulf of California modeling
Developing end-to-end models of the Gulf of California
The purpose of this project is to develop spatially discrete end-to-end models of the northern Gulf of California, linking oceanography, biogeochemistry, food web interactions, habitat, fisheries, economics, monitoring, and management into a common model framework.

This framework allows for thought experiments, including evaluation of alternate management strategies, identifying robust indicators, and assessing relative importance of different ecosystem drivers in regulating important processes. NMFS personnel are conducting this work in broad collaboration with a consortium of Mexican federal, state, NGO and academic scientists. The specific work entails model development, scoping issues with stakeholders and policy makers, running scenarios, and analyzing and writing up the results. Products include peer-reviewed papers, presentations, and workshops with modelers and/or stakeholders. Management audiences include Mexican governmental bodies and conservation organizations. The project is an on-going, stand-alone project with no firm deadline for completion.

Research Themes

Research Foci


ecosystem modeling framework
artisanal fisheries
small boat fisheries (pangas)
ecosystem modeling
end-to-end models
international collaboration
U.S.- Mexico collaboration
management strategy evaluation
endangered harbor porpoise


Atlantis Model Development for the Northern Gulf of California
Ainsworth, C.H., I.C. Kaplan, P.S. Levin, P.S., R. Cudney Bueno, E.A. Fulton, M. Mangel, M. Turk-Boyer, J. Torre Cosio, A. Pares Sierra, H.N. Morzaria Luna. 2011. Atlantis model development for the Northern Gulf of California. U.S. Dept. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NWFSC-110. Available online: http://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov/assets/25/ 7784_08012011_125850_AtlantisModelTM110WebFinal.pdf
Compliance with Existing Fisheries Regulations Yields Economic and Ecological Benefits for the Northern Gulf of California
Ainsworth, C., H. Morzaria-Luna, I.C. Kaplan, P. Levin, E. Fulton. In press. Compliance with existing fisheries regulations yields economic and ecological benefits for the Northern Gulf of California. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Effective Ecosystem-Based Management Must Encourage Regulatory Compliance: A Gulf of California Case Study
Ainsworth, C. H., et al. "Effective ecosystem-based management must encourage regulatory compliance: A Gulf of California case study." Marine Policy 36.6 (2012): 1275-1283
Estimating Diet Compositions of Fish Species in the Northern Gulf of California, with Application to Ecosystem Modeling for Fishery Management
C. Ainsworth, I. C. Kaplan, P.S. Levin, M. Mangel. 2010. Estimating Diet Compositions of Fish Species In The Northern Gulf of California, With Application To Ecosystem Modeling For Fishery Management. Ecological Applications 20(8): 2188-2202.
Exploring Trade- Offs between Fisheries and Conservation of the Vaquita Porpoise (Phocoena sinus) Using an Atlantis Ecosystem Model
Morzaria-Luna, H., Ainsworth, C.H., Kaplan,I.C., Levin, P.S., Fulton, E.A. 2012. Exploring Trade- Offs between Fisheries and Conservation of the Vaquita Porpoise (Phocoena sinus) Using an I.C. Kaplan page 2 of 4 Atlantis Ecosystem Model. PloS one 7:e42917. Available: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0042917
Indirect Effects of Conservation Policies on the Coupled Human-Natural Ecosystem of the Upper Gulf of California
Morzaria-Luna, Hem Nalini, et al. "Indirect Effects of Conservation Policies on the Coupled Human-Natural Ecosystem of the Upper Gulf of California." PloS one 8.5 (2013): e64085.
Modeling Results for Groupers (serranids)
H. Morzaria Luna, I.C. Kaplan y Ainsworth, C.A. 2011. Serrnidos - tendencias y predicciones en el Golfo Norte de California Ecosystem Science Program. Northwest Fisheries Science Center. NOAA. Seattle WA
Quantifying Species Abundance Trends in the Northern Gulf of California Using Local Ecological Knowledge
Ainsworth, C.H. (2011) Quantifying Species Abundance Trends in the Northern Gulf of California Using Local Ecological Knowledge. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 3-1


Species Phocoena sinus
Gulf of California harbor porpoise, vaquita


Chris Harvey
Hem Nalini Morzaria Luna
Isaac Kaplan
Principal Investigator
Phil Levin