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NOAA Fisheries Northwest Science Center Scientific Publications

In pressJournal Article

Arkoosh, M. R., J. Dietrich, M. B. Rew, W. Olson, G. Young, and F. W. Goetz. 2018. Exploring the efficacy of vaccine techniques in juvenile sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria. Aquaculture Research, 49:205-216

In pressJournal ArticleEbel, J. D., D. A. Larsen, K. R. Conley, M. A. Middleton. In press. A fish out-of-basin: Increased stress physiology and reduced performance of Salmon River hatchery Chinook Salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.
In pressJournal ArticleConservation BiologyCharnley, S., R. McLain, M. R. Poe. In press. Natural Resource Access Rights and Wrongs: Nontimber Forest Products Gathering in Urban Environments. Society & Natural Resources.
In pressJournal ArticleConservation BiologyWilliamson, K. S., B. P. May. In press. Mitochondrial DNA haplotype diversity in apparent XY-female Fall- and Spring-Run Chinook Salmon in California's Central Valley. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
In pressJournal ArticleFish EcologySwieca, K., S. Sponaugle, C. Briseño-Avena, M. Schmid, R. D. Brodeur, R. Cowen. In press. Changing with the tides: fine-scale larval fish prey availability and predation pressure near a tidally-modulated river plume. Marine Ecology Progress Series.
In pressChapter or SectionSchultz, I. R., J. L. Bolton, R. Stimmelmayr, G. M. Ylitalo. In press. Chapter 37: Contaminants. In George, J., J. Thewissen. (Eds.) The Bowhead Whale. Balaena mysticetus: Biology and Human Interactions. Academic Press (Elsevier).
In pressJournal ArticleArkoosh, M. R., A. L. Van Gaest, S. A. Strickland, G. P. Hutchinson, A. B. Krupkin, M. Rew, J. P. Dietrich. In press. Dietary exposure to a binary mixture of polybrominated diphenyl ethers alters innate immunity and disease susceptibility in juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.
In pressJournal ArticleConservation BiologyWiedenmann, J., J. Wilen, P. S. Levin, M. Plummer, M. Mangel. In press. A framework for exploring the bioeconomic causes and consequences of ecosystem fishing patterns. Coastal Management.
In pressReportFish EcologyTorgersen, C. E., A. H. Fullerton, Z. Johnson, F. H. Mejia. In press. Stream temperature handbook: a primer on data and models. Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center. Seattle (
In pressJournal ArticleConservation BiologyMurdoch, A. R., C. J. Herring, C. H. Frady, K. E. See, C. E. Jordan. In press. Estimating observer error and steelhead redd abundance using a modified Gaussian area-under-the-curve framework. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
In pressJournal ArticleConservation BiologyBrainard, R. E., C. Birkeland, C. M. Eakin, P. McElhany, M. Patterson, G. A. Piniak, M. Dunlap, M. Weijerman. In press. Incorporating Climate and Ocean Change into Extinction Risk Assessments for 82 Coral Species. Conservation Biology.
In pressJournal ArticleConservation BiologyLeong, K., S. Wongbusarakum, R. J. Ingram, A. Mawyer, M. R. Poe. In press. Improving Representation of Human Well-Being and Cultural Importance in the West Hawai¿i Integrated Ecosystem Assessment. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
In pressJournal ArticleConservation BiologyNaish, K. A., R. B. Phillips, M. S. Brieuc, L. Newton, A. Elz, L. K. Park. In press. Comparative genome mapping between Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and rainbow trout (O. mykiss) based on homologous microsatellite loci. Genes, Genomes, Genetics , 3 (12) : 2281-2288. doi:10.1534/g3.113.008003
In pressJournal Article

Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2017 Aug;142:157-163. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2017.03.044. Epub 2017 Apr 11

In pressJournal ArticleArkoosh, M. R., A. L. Van Gaest, S. A. Strickland, G. P. Hutchinson, A. B. Krupkin, J. P. Dietrich. In press. Disruption of thyroid hormone concentrations in juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) exposed to polybrominated diphenyl ethers, BDE-47 and BDE-99. Chemosphere , 171 : 1-8. doi:DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.12.035
In pressJournal ArticleFishery Resource Analysis and MonitoringGao, J., J. T. Thorson, C. Szuwalski, H. Wang. In press. Historical dynamics of the demersal fish community in the East and South China Seas. PLoS ONE.
In pressJournal ArticleFish EcologyThallman, H. L., E. A. Daly, R. D. Brodeur. In press. Two anomalously warm years in the northern California Current: impacts on early marine steelhead diet composition, morphology, and potential survival. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society.
In pressJournal ArticleFish EcologyChamberlin, J. W., J. Hall, T. Zackey, F. E. Leonetti, M. Rustay, C. A. Rice. In press. Spatial and Temporal Variability in Chinook Salmon Abundance Reflects Opportunity to Support Life History Diversity in an Estuarine Landscape. Estuaries and Coasts.
In pressJournal ArticleLema, S. C., M. I. Chow, E. J. Reiner, A. A. Westman, A. H. Dittman, D. May, K. M. Hardy. In press. Endocrine and metabolic impacts of warming aquatic habitats: differential responses between recently-isolated populations of a eurythermal desert pupfish. Conservation Physiology.
In pressJournal ArticleFish EcologyAngert, A. L., L. G. Crozier, L. J. Rissler, S. E. Gilman, J. J. Tewksbury, A. J. Chunco. In press. Do species traits predict recent shifts at expanding range edges? Ecology Letters , (14) 677-689.
In pressJournal ArticleDai, X., B. D. Bill, N. G. Adams, U. Tillmann, C. A. Sloan, D. Lu, V. L. Trainer. In press. The effect of temperature and salinity on growth rate and azaspiracid concentration in two strains of Azadinium poporum (Dinophyceae) from Puget Sound, Washington State. Harmful Algae.
In pressJournal ArticleConservation BiologyFraik, A. K., J. R. McMillan, M. Liermann, T. R. Bennett, M. L. McHenry, G. J. McKinney, G. A. Winans, A. H. Wells, J. L. Kelley, G. R. Pess, K. M. Nichols. In press. The impacts of dam construction and removal on the genetics of recovering steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations across the Elwha River watershed. Gene.
In pressJournal ArticleConservation BiologyFaber-Hammond, J., R. B. Phillips, L. K. Park. In press. The Sockeye Salmon Neo-Y Chromosome is a Fusion between the Coho Y Chromosome and the Long Arm of Rainbow Trout Omy2. Cytogenetic and genome research , 136 (1) : 69-74.
In pressJournal ArticleConservation Biology

Berger, H.M., Siedlecki, S.A., Matassa, C.M., Alin, S.R., Kaplan, I.C., Hodgson, E.E., Pilcher, D.J., Norton, E.L. and Newton, J.A., 2021. Seasonality and life history complexity determine vulnerability of Dungeness crab to multiple climate stressors. AGU Advances2(4), p.e2021AV000456.

In pressJournal ArticleLeising, A., I. D. Schroeder, S. J. Bograd, E. P. Bjorkstedt, J. Field, K. Sakuma, J. Abell, R. R. Robertson, J. Tyburczy, W. T. Peterson, R. D. Brodeur, C. Barcelo, T. D. Auth, E. A. Daly, G. Campbell, J. Hildebrand, R. M. Suryan, A. J. Gladics, C. A. Horton, M. Kahru, M. Manzano-Sarabia, S. McClatchie, E. D. Weber, W. Watson, J. A. Santora, W. J. Sydeman, S. R. Melin, R. DeLong, J. L. Largier, S. Kim, F. P. Chavez, R. Golightly, S. R. Schneider, P. Warzybok, R. W. Bradley, J. Jahncke, J. L. Fisher, J. O. Peterson. In press. State of the California Current 2013-14: El Niño looming. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports , 54 : 51-87.
In pressReportFish EcologyKatz, S. L., H. Beecher, M. Brady, J. Cook, K. K. Gates, J. Padowski, G. R. Pess, M. D. Scheuerell, J. Yoder. In press. Technical Supplement to Department of Ecology for Determining Net Ecological Benefit. Washington Department of Ecology, Olympia, Washington
In pressJournal ArticleFish EcologyCrozier, L. G., B. J. Burke, B. Chasco, D. L. Widener, R. W. Zabel. In press. Climate change threatens Chinook salmon throughout their life cycle. Communications Biology.
In pressJournal ArticleFishery Resource Analysis and MonitoringLangseth, B. J., S. Glover. In press. Distinguishing species-specific targeting practices within the main Hawaiian islands Deep 7 bottomfish fishery. Fisheries Research.
In pressJournal ArticleKeogh, M. J., B. Taras, K. B. Beckmen, K. A. Burek-Huntington, G. M. Ylitalo, B. S. Fadely, L. Rea, K. W. Pitcher. In press. Organochlorine contaminant concentrations in blubber of young Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) are influenced by region, age, sex, and lipid stores. Science of the Total Environment.
In pressJournal ArticleConservation BiologyHess, J. E., R. D. Vetter, P. Moran. In press. A steep genetic cline in yellowtail rockfish, Sebastes flavidus, suggests regional isolation across the Cape Mendocino faunal break. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
2024Journal ArticleEcosystem Analysis ProgramGomes, D.G.E., Ruzicka, J.J., Crozier, L.G., Huff, D. D., Brodeur, R. D. and Stewart, J. D. 2024. Marine heatwaves disrupt ecosystem structure and function via altered food webs and energy flux. Nat Commun 15, 1988. (
2024Journal ArticleMolecular GeneticsKim Parsons,Charles Nye,C. Scott Baker 2024. Stock origin of an entangled killer whale identified using remnant mtDNA. , 50 : 45-50. (
2024Journal ArticleFish Ecology DivisionVeggerby KB, Scheuerell MD, Sanderson BL and Kiffney PM (2024) Stable isotopes reveal intertidal fish and crabs use bivalve farms as foraging habitat in Puget Sound, Washington. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1282225. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1282225 (doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1282225)
2024Journal ArticleEnvironmental and Fisheries Sciences DivisionLee, J.S.F., Poretsky, R.S., Berejikian, B.A. 2024. Effects of greenwater and claywater regimes on early exogenous feeding in larval sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria). Aquaculture Reports 36: 102156 (
2024Journal ArticlePopulation EcologyBeaty, F., S. Domínguez-Sánchez, K.B. Nalven, J. Palacios-Abrantes, K.L. Oken, N. Ban, F. Juanes, T.A. Okey, I. McKechnie, K.J. Nickols, A. Spalding, H.N. Morzaria-Luna, L.D. Jenkins, V. Tulloch. (2024) Centering relationships to place for more meaningful research. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121(25):e2306991121. 10.1073/pnas.2306991121 (10.1073/pnas.2306991121.)
2024Book or book chapterEnvironmental and Fisheries Sciences DivisionLuckenbach, J.A., Yamamoto, Y., Miura, I., Georges, A. (in press). Genetic & Environmental Sex Determination in Cold-blooded Vertebrates: Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptiles. In: Encyclopedia of Reproduction, 3rd edition (Skinner, M.K., Dobrinski, I., eds.), Elsevier Publishing.
2024Technical MemorandumMathematical Biology and Systems Monitoring ProgramRub, M. W., C. Cosgrove, S. Theuerkauf, D. Wieczorek, J. Whaley, C. Otoshi, and M. Rust. 2024. Climate-Smart American Aquaculture: Strategies to Sustain and Grow U.S. Domestic Seafood Production in a Changing Future. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-195. (
2024Journal ArticleIntegrated Fisheries Stock AssessmentWetzel, C.R., Stawitz, C.C., Li, B., Johnson, K., and Schmitz, G.M. 2024. Ordering the alphabet soup: Strategies to improve consistency and develop a framework of tools for fisheries science. Fisheries Research, 278: 107104 (
2024Technical MemorandumAquaculture and Marine Fish and Shellfish Biology ProgramSommers, F. C., B.-J. Lee, L. C. Armbruster, and R. B. Johnson. 2024. Dietary Taurine Alters Behavioral Responses to an Olfactory Stimulus in Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria). U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-191. (
2024Journal article (non-peer-reviewed)Mathematical Biology and Systems Monitoring ProgramLowndes, J. S., Holder, A. M., Markowitz, E. H., Clatterbuck, C., Bradford, A. L., Doering, K., Stevens, M. H., Butland, S., Burke, D., Kross, S., Hollister, J. W., Stawitz, C., Siple, M. C., Rios, A., Welch, J. N., Li, B., Nojavan, F., Davis, A., Steiner, E., ¿ Robinson, E. (2024). Shifting institutional culture to develop climate solutions with Open Science. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e11341. (
2024Stock AssessmentIntegrated Fisheries Stock AssessmentBrian Langseth,KIVA OKEN,Tien-Shui Tsou,Ali Whitman,John Budrick 2024. Status of Canary Rockfish (Sebastes pinniger) along the U.S. West Coast in 2023. (
2024Journal ArticleFish Ecology DivisionPess GR, McHenry ML, Denton K, Anderson JH, Liermann MC, Peters RJ, McMillan JR, Brenkman SJ, Bennett TR, Duda JJ and Hanson KM (2024) Initial responses of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to removal of two dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, U.S.A.. Front. Ecol. Evol. 12:1241028. (doi: 10.3389/fevo.2024.1241028)
2024Journal ArticleIntegrated Fisheries Stock AssessmentCope, J.M., 2024. The good practices of practicable alchemy in the stock assessment continuum: Fundamentals and principles of analytical methods to support science-based fisheries management under data and resource limitations. Fisheries Research 270, 106859. (
2024Journal ArticleEcosystem Analysis ProgramSorel, M., Jorgensen, J.C., Zabel, R.W., Scheuerell, M.D., Murdoch, A.R., Kamphaus, C. and Converse, S.J., 2024. Incorporating life history diversity in an integrated population model to inform viability analysis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. e-First (
2024Journal ArticleEnvironmental and Fisheries Sciences DivisionSpromberg, J.A., Allan, S.E., and Scholz, N.L. (2024). Modeling potential population-level impacts of future oil spills on Pacific herring stocks in Puget Sound. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, (
2024Journal ArticleConservation Biology DivisionGolden, A.S., Baskett, M.L., Holland, D., Levine, A., Mills, K. and Essington, T., 2024. Climate adaptation depends on rebalancing flexibility and rigidity in US fisheries management. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 81(2), pp.252-259. (
2024Journal ArticleFish Ecology DivisionVeggerby, K., MD Scheuerell, BL Sanderson, P Kiffney and B Ferriss. 2024. Shellfish aquaculture farms as foraging habitat for nearshore fishes and crabs. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 16:e10282. (
2024Journal ArticleConservation Biology DivisionFairfax, E., Whipple, A., Wheaton, J.M., Osorio, B., Miller, J., Kirksey, K., Perez, N., Gilbert, J.T., and Jordan, C.E., 2024, Impacts of beaver dams on riverscape burn severity during megafires in the Rocky Mountain region, western United States, in Florsheim, J.L., O¿Dowd, A.P., and Chin, A., eds., Biogeomorphic Responses to Wildfire in Fluvial Ecosystems: Geological Society of America Special Paper 562, p. 131¿151, (
2024Contract ReportEcosystem Analysis ProgramLamb, J. J., B. P. Sandford, G. A. Axel, S. G. Smith, and M. G. Nesbit. 2024. Monitoring the Migrations of Wild Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon Juveniles: Survival and Timing, 2023. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Contract Report NMFS-NWFSC-CR-2024-01. (
2024Contract ReportFish Ecology DivisionFrick, K. E., and A. N. Kagley. 2024. Naval Station Everett East Waterway Fish Presence and Shoreline Use, 2020-22. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Contract Report NMFS-NWFSC-CR-2024-02. (