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NOAA Fisheries Northwest Science Center Publication Details

CitationLee, J.S.F., Poretsky, R.S., Berejikian, B.A. 2024. Effects of greenwater and claywater regimes on early exogenous feeding in larval sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria). Aquaculture Reports 36: 102156 (
TitleEffects of greenwater and claywater regimes on early exogenous feeding in larval sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria)
Publication Year2024
Keywordslarvae, algae, feeding, anoplopoma fimbria, greenwater, turbidity, clay
AbstractMarine fish larvae often survive better when algae is added to their rearing water, but algae is expensive and cheaper alternatives should be explored. This study focused on how different applications of algae and clay, a less expensive turbidity agent, affect feeding, growth and survival during the first week after first feeding in sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria). After three days in water supplemented with algae or clay, the larvae in algae tanks fed better than those in clay. On the fourth day, half of the algae tanks were transitioned to clay, and half of the clay tanks were transitioned to algae. When the transition was 90% complete, feeding rates were better in the larvae that had been in 100% algae for the first three days, regardless of whether the larvae were transitioned to clay on day-4 or kept on algae, suggesting that the previous turbidity environment (algae or clay) was more important than the environment at the time of the feeding trial. At that same 90% time point, larv
Official CitationLee, J.S.F., Poretsky, R.S., Berejikian, B.A. 2024. Effects of greenwater and claywater regimes on early exogenous feeding in larval sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria). Aquaculture Reports 36: 102156
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