2025 Southern California Shelf Rockfish Hook and Line Survey
Southern California Hook and Line Survey
Dataset Description
This data set contains information on date; time; vessel; set identification (i.e. unique sampling event number); gear performance; location; depth; soak time; sea surface temperature; water column profile that includes temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and chlorophyll; ocean and weather observations; hook disposition; species captured; length and weight information for all specimens captured; and sex, age structure, and genetics data for all rockfish specimens captured.
Data contact
John Harms
InPort Dataset Reference
Hook and Line Characteristics
Table description
Operation details down to the hook level
InPort Entity Reference
Web Service End Point
Metadata Service End Point
Web Application
Source URL
Preferred Citation
Please see external data source for proper citation information.
Drop Time Dim$Hour (NUMBER)
standard representation of the hour
Record Number (TEXT)
An indication of the total number of records in the data. Added to help indicate how much data should be expected when accessing or downloading, so end users know if they got all the data.
Sampling Start Time Dim$Second (NUMBER)
number of seconds in the minute
Accessed Date (TEXT)
The date on which this data was accessed or downloaded. Added when data is delivered to record when the data was downloaded.
Date Dim$Month Abbrev (TEXT)
three character representation of month in capital letters
Source Url (TEXT)
The human interface access point for this data table.
Sampling End Time Dim$Minute (NUMBER)
number of minutes in the hour
Preferred Citation (TEXT)
The preferred citation for this data table.
Ctd Drop Latitude Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
latitude record type or reason record is unavailable
Drop Latitude Dim$Latitude In Degrees (NUMBER)
numeric representation of latitude in degrees
Drop Time Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for the drop time
Site Dim$Tide Station Name (TEXT)
name of nearest tide station
Angler Position (TEXT)
position of angler on vessel
Ctd On Bottom Temp C (NUMBER)
CTD on bottom temperature in degrees celcius
Date Dim$Day Of Month (NUMBER)
numeric representation of the day in month
Tow End Timestamp (TEXT)
operation end date timestamp
Sunrise Time Dim$Minute (NUMBER)
number of minutes in the hour
Operation Dim$Vessel Id (NUMBER)
field database vessel id number
Sunrise Time Dim$Period (TEXT)
period of time
Sampling End Time Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
time record or reason record is unavailable
Sunrise Time Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for the sunrise time
Ctd Drop Time Dim$Hour (NUMBER)
standard representation of the hour
First Bite Interval Sec (NUMBER)
interval in seconds between gear deployment until angler feels first bite
Operation Dim Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for operation
Operation Dim$Coast Guard Number (TEXT)
Coast Guard documentation number of vessel
Hook Id (NUMBER)
field database hook identifier
Sampling Start Time Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for the sampling start time
Ctd On Bottom Measure Depth M (NUMBER)
CTD on bottom measured depth in meters
Drop Longitude Dd (NUMBER)
drop longitude in decimal degrees
Ctd Drop Time Dim$Hh24miss (TEXT)
concatenation of military hour, minute, second, example 230415 equates to 23:04:15
Site Dim$Area Name (TEXT)
name of area site is located in
Drop Longitude Dim$Longitude Compass Direction (TEXT)
longitude compass direction
Operation Dim$Captain Person Whid (NUMBER)
person reference for the vessel captain
Tide Height First M (NUMBER)
tide height at first drop for a site measured in meters
Ctd Drop Latitude Dim$Latitude Degree Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of latitude that makes up the degree unit only
Operation Dim$State Registration Number (TEXT)
state registration number for the vessel
Operation Dim$Scientist 2 Person Whid (NUMBER)
person reference for the second scientist
Site Habitat Note (TEXT)
site habitat notes
Site Dim$Tide Station Longitude Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier to longitude details for site's nearest tide station
Tide Height First Ft (NUMBER)
tide height at first drop for a site measured in feet
Sunset Time Dim$Time (TEXT)
military time representation of the time
Drop Sounder Depth Dim$Depth Fathoms (NUMBER)
depth low precision measurement in fathoms converted from meters measured to the tenth of a meter except for special fathom boundaries
Operation Dim$Operation Start Time Whid (NUMBER)
start time reference for the operation
Ctd Sounder Depth Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for CTD sounder depth
Drop Latitude Dim$Latitude Second Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of latitude that makes up the second unit only
Ctd On Bottom Disolved Oxygen Aanderaa Ml Per L (NUMBER)
CTD aanderaa sensor on bottom disolved oxygen measured in milliliters per liter
Drop Sounder Depth Dim$Depth Meters (NUMBER)
depth low precision measurement in meters to the tenth of a meter (except for special fathom boundaries)
Site Dim$Site Longitude Dd (NUMBER)
site longitude in decimal degrees
Site Moon Tide Dim$Tide Phase (TEXT)
tide phase
Drop Longitude Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for drop latitude
Site Fish Finder Note (TEXT)
site fish finder notes
Operation Dim$Field Operation Seg Id (NUMBER)
operation segment id reference to the field operational segment table
Operation Dim$Return Date Whid (NUMBER)
date reference that vessel returned for the defined leg or trip
Angler Person Dim$First Name (TEXT)
first name of person
Site Dim$Inactive Date Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for the date when the site went inactive
Ctd Drop Latitude Dd (NUMBER)
high precision value for CTD drop latitude in decimal degrees
Ctd Drop Latitude Dim$Named Parallel (TEXT)
name of parallel, boundary, or commonly used geograpical location
Date Dim$Month Of Year (NUMBER)
numeric representation of month of year
Tide Height Mid M (NUMBER)
tide height at middle (third) drop for a site measured in meters
Fish Info Note (TEXT)
overall fish information note
Drop Time Dim$Period (TEXT)
period of time
Ctd Sounder Depth Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
depth record or reason record is unavailable
Operation Dim$Operation End Date Whid (NUMBER)
end date reference for the operation
Ctd Drop Longitude Dim$Longitude Minute Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of longitude that makes up the minute unit only
Trawl Id (NUMBER)
identifier for a sampling operation
Hook Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
hook record or reason record is unavailable
Site Moon Tide Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for site moon tide
Drop Latitude Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
latitude record type or reason record is unavailable
Date Yyyymmdd (TEXT)
text representation of year month day
Site Dim$Tide Station Latitude Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier to latitude details for site's nearest tide station
Sampling Start Time Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
time record or reason record is unavailable
Ctd Sounder Depth Dim$Boundary Indicator (TEXT)
depth boundry indicator identifying ifp boundary marks
Date Dim$Full Date (TEXT)
full date value
Ctd Drop Time Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
time record or reason record is unavailable
Drop Time Dim$Second (NUMBER)
number of seconds in the minute
Site Moon Tide Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
moon tide record or reason record is unavailable
Drop Detail Note (TEXT)
drop detail notes
Sunset Time Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for the sunset time
Sunset Time Dim$Military Hour (NUMBER)
military representation of the hour
Site Dim$Site Number (NUMBER)
site identifier number
Ctd Drop Latitude Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for CTD drop latitude
Site General Note (TEXT)
site general notes
Inclusion Dim$Site Inclusion Indicator (TEXT)
indicates if site should be included
Angler Person Dim$Full Name (TEXT)
full name in format of First and Last (Suffix)
Sunrise Time Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
time record or reason record is unavailable
Sunset Time Dim$Period (TEXT)
period of time
Net Touchdown Time (TEXT)
military time representation of the time
Sampling End Hhmmss (TEXT)
concatenation of military hour, minute, second, example 230415 equates to 23:04:15
Ctd Sounder Depth Dim$Depth Meters (NUMBER)
depth low precision measurement in meters to the tenth of a meter (except for special fathom boundaries)
Drop Latitude Dim$Latitude Minute Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of latitude that makes up the minute unit only
Hook Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier to hook details
Sunset Time Dim$Hh24miss (TEXT)
concatenation of military hour, minute, second, example 230415 equates to 23:04:15
Operation Dim$Return Port Whid (NUMBER)
port reference for return port
Sampling Start Time Dim$Period (TEXT)
period of time
Ctd Drop Latitude Dim$Latitude Compass Direction (TEXT)
latitude compass direction
pass number of the survey
Set Identifier (TEXT)
set identifier
Ctd Drop Time Dim$Period (TEXT)
period of time
Drop Latitude Dim$Named Parallel (TEXT)
name of parallel, boundary, or commonly used geograpical location
Angler Person Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for angler person
Tide Height Last Ft (NUMBER)
tide height at last (fifth) drop for a site measured in feet
Begin Retrieval Interval Sec (NUMBER)
interval in seconds between gear deployment until gear retrieval began
Ctd Drop Longitude Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
longitude record type or reason record is unavailable
Date Dim$Year (NUMBER)
numeric representation of year
Ctd Drop Longitude Dim$Longitude Degree Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of longitude that makes up the degree unit only
Sea Surface Temp C (NUMBER)
sea surface temperature in degrees celcius
Ctd Drop Latitude Dim$Latitude In Degrees (NUMBER)
numeric representation of latitude in degrees
Ctd Drop Longitude Dd (NUMBER)
high precision value for CTD drop longitude in decimal degrees
Drop Sounder Depth Dim$Boundary Indicator (TEXT)
depth boundry indicator identifying ifp boundary marks
Tow Start Timestamp (TEXT)
operation start date timestamp
Site Dim$Distance To Port Nm (NUMBER)
distance from site to nearest port in nautical miles
Site Dim$Site Latitude Dd (NUMBER)
site latitude in decimal degrees
Drop Longitude Dim$Longitude In Degrees (NUMBER)
numeric representation of longitude in decimal degrees
Site Dim$Site Latitude Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier to latitude details for site
Drop Latitude Dim$Latitude Compass Direction (TEXT)
latitude compass direction
Drop Latitude Dd (NUMBER)
drop latitude in decimal degrees
Sunrise Time Dim$Hh24miss (TEXT)
concatenation of military hour, minute, second, example 230415 equates to 23:04:15
Drop Longitude Dim$Longitude Second Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of longitude that makes up the second unit only
Ctd On Bottom Disolved Oxygen Sbe43 Ml Per L (NUMBER)
CTD SBE43 sensor on bottom disolved oxygen measured in milliliters per liter
Site Moon Tide Dim$Moon Phase (TEXT)
moon phase
Operation Dim$Operation Type (TEXT)
type of operation
Sunset Time Dim$Minute (NUMBER)
number of minutes in the hour
Operation Dim$Scientist 1 Person Whid (NUMBER)
person reference for the first scientist
Operation Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
operation record or reason record is unavailable
Ctd Drop Latitude Dim$Latitude In Degree Minute Second (TEXT)
string representation of latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds for example 45°25'01"
Sampling End Time Dim$Military Hour (NUMBER)
military representation of the hour
Vessel (TEXT)
name of the vessel used for the operation
Hook Dim$Hook Result (TEXT)
The result of using the hook
Operation Dim$Observer Program (TEXT)
description of the observer program
Fishing Time Interval Sec (NUMBER)
interval in seconds calculated from the difference between begin retrieval and on bottomv
Site Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for site
Program (TEXT)
type of fram program
Wave Height Ft (NUMBER)
wave height in feet
Ctd Drop Longitude Dim$Longitude Second Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of longitude that makes up the second unit only
Operation Dim$Operation Start Date Whid (NUMBER)
start date reference for the operation
Operation Dim$Scientist 4 Person Whid (NUMBER)
person reference for the fourth scientist
Drop Time Dim$Hh24miss (TEXT)
concatenation of military hour, minute, second, example 230415 equates to 23:04:15
Operation Dim$Fpc Person Whid (NUMBER)
person reference for the FPC
Ctd On Bottom Salinity Psu (NUMBER)
CTD on bottom salinity in practical salinity units (psu)
Drop Longitude Dim$Longitude Degree Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of longitude that makes up the degree unit only
Sampling End Time Dim$Period (TEXT)
period of time
Swell Height Ft (NUMBER)
swell height in feet
Site Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
site record or reason record is unavailable
Ctd Drop Latitude Dim$Latitude Minute Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of latitude that makes up the minute unit only
Drop Average Sea Surface Temp C (NUMBER)
drop average sea surface temperature in degrees celcius
Ctd Drop Longitude Dim$Longitude In Degrees (NUMBER)
numeric representation of longitude in decimal degrees
Performance (TEXT)
performance of the operation
Ctd On Bottom Measure Depth Dim$Depth Meters (NUMBER)
depth low precision measurement in meters to the tenth of a meter (except for special fathom boundaries)
Sampling End Time Dim$Hour (NUMBER)
standard representation of the hour
Angler Person Dim$Role (TEXT)
role taken during an operation
Ctd Drop Time Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for CTD drop time
Sampling End Time Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for the sampling end time
Tide Height Last M (NUMBER)
tide height at last (fifth) drop for a site measured in meters
Hook Dim$Hook Number (NUMBER)
The hook number on the line
Operation Dim$Ifq Account Number (TEXT)
unique number assigned to user accounts in the Vessel Accounting Database
Date Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
date, month, or year record or reason record is unavailable
Ctd On Bottom Measure Depth Dim$Boundary Indicator (TEXT)
depth boundry indicator identifying ifp boundary marks
Hook Dim$Gear Performance (TEXT)
Gear performance
Site Moon Tide Dim$Tide Type (TEXT)
tide type
Ctd Drop Time Dim$Time (TEXT)
military time representation of the time
Ctd Drop Time Dim$Second (NUMBER)
number of seconds in the minute
Sampling Start Time Dim$Military Hour (NUMBER)
military representation of the hour
Ctd Drop Longitude Dim$Longitude In Degree Minute Second (TEXT)
string representation of longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds for example 45°25'01"
Angler Person Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
person record or reason record is unavailable
Sunset Time Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
time record or reason record is unavailable
Operation Dim$Departure Port Whid (NUMBER)
port reference for the departure port
Ctd Drop Time Dim$Military Hour (NUMBER)
military representation of the hour
Sunset Time Dim$Hour (NUMBER)
standard representation of the hour
Inclusion Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for what to include in analysis
Drop Sounder Depth Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for drop sounder depth
Drop Time Dim$Military Hour (NUMBER)
military representation of the hour
Sampling Start Hhmmss (TEXT)
concatenation of military hour, minute, second, example 230415 equates to 23:04:15
Sampling Start Time Dim$Minute (NUMBER)
number of minutes in the hour
Angler Person Dim$Nick Name (TEXT)
nickname of person
Operation Dim$Trip Id (NUMBER)
trip identifier number
operation number of the survey
Drop Timestamp (TEXT)
drop timestamp
Ctd Sounder Depth Dim$Depth Fathoms (NUMBER)
depth low precision measurement in fathoms converted from meters measured to the tenth of a meter except for special fathom boundaries
On Bottom Interval Sec (NUMBER)
interval in seconds between gear deployment until it hits bottom
Sampling End Time Dim$Second (NUMBER)
number of seconds in the minute
Inclusion Dim$Drop Inclusion Indicator (TEXT)
indicates if drop should be included
Drop Latitude Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for drop latitude
Operation Dim$Scientist 3 Person Whid (NUMBER)
person reference for the third scientist
Site Dim$Site Longitude Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier to longitude details for site
Sunset Time Dim$Second (NUMBER)
number of seconds in the minute
Date Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for date
Ctd Sounder Depth M (NUMBER)
CTD sounder depth in meters
Sunrise Time Dim$Hour (NUMBER)
standard representation of the hour
Drop Time Dim$Minute (NUMBER)
number of minutes in the hour
Time To First Bite Interval Sec (NUMBER)
interval in seconds calculated from the difference between first bite and on bottom
Date Dim$Month Name (TEXT)
text representation of month
Sampling Start Time Dim$Hour (NUMBER)
standard representation of the hour
Drop Time Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
time record or reason record is unavailable
Drop Longitude Dim$Longitude Minute Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of longitude that makes up the minute unit only
Wave Height M (NUMBER)
wave height in meters
Sunrise Time Dim$Second (NUMBER)
number of seconds in the minute
Site Ocean Weather Note (TEXT)
site's ocean and weather notes
Marine Reserve Indicator (TEXT)
identifier if the hook was inside a marine reserve
Ctd Drop Longitude Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for CTD drop longitude
Sunrise Time Dim$Time (TEXT)
military time representation of the time
Operation Dim$Operation End Time Whid (NUMBER)
end time reference for the operation
At Surface Interval Sec (NUMBER)
interval in seconds between gear deployment until gear reaches surface concluding the drop
Site Dim$Cowcod Conservation Area Indicator (TEXT)
indicates if site falls within the cowcod conservation area
Project (TEXT)
project name
Site Dim$Tide Station Noaa Id (TEXT)
tide station id according to NOAA's Tides and Currents site
Full Moon Pct (NUMBER)
percent of full moon
Ctd Drop Latitude Dim$Latitude Second Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of latitude that makes up the second unit only
Drop Longitude Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
longitude record type or reason record is unavailable
Inclusion Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
inclusion record or reason record is unavailable
Ctd Drop Time Dim$Minute (NUMBER)
number of minutes in the hour
Drop Latitude Dim$Latitude In Degree Minute Second (TEXT)
string representation of latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds for example 45°25'01"
Hook Note (TEXT)
hook notes
Operation Dim$Limited Entry Permit Number (TEXT)
federal limited entry groundfish permit issued to fish in waters off of Washington, Oregon, and California
Angler Person Dim$Middle Initial (TEXT)
middle initial of person
Ctd Drop Longitude Dim$Longitude Compass Direction (TEXT)
longitude compass direction
Ctd On Bottom Measure Depth Dim$Depth Fathoms (NUMBER)
depth low precision measurement in fathoms converted from meters measured to the tenth of a meter except for special fathom boundaries
Operation Dim$Departure Date Whid (NUMBER)
date reference that vessel departed for the defined leg or trip
Site Dim$Cdfgblock (NUMBER)
CDFG Block Numbers that the sites fall within
Tide Height Mid Ft (NUMBER)
tide height at middle (third) drop for a site measured in feet
Net Liftoff Time (TEXT)
military time representation of the time
Angler Person Dim$Last Name (TEXT)
last name of person
Sunrise Time Dim$Military Hour (NUMBER)
military representation of the hour
Swell Direction Mag (NUMBER)
swell direction in magnetic degrees
Drop Time Dim$Time (TEXT)
military time representation of the time
Inclusion Dim$Hook Inclusion Indicator (TEXT)
indicates if hook should be included
Ctd On Bottom Measure Depth Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
depth record or reason record is unavailable
Drop Longitude Dim$Longitude In Degree Minute Second (TEXT)
string representation of longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds for example 45°25'01"
Drop Sounder Depth Dim$Record Type (TEXT)
depth record or reason record is unavailable
Swell Height M (NUMBER)
swell height in meters
operation year
Sinker Weight Lbs (NUMBER)
sinker weights in pounds
Drop Latitude Dim$Latitude Degree Units (NUMBER)
numeric representation of latitude that makes up the degree unit only
Ctd On Bottom Measure Depth Whid (NUMBER)
warehouse identifier for CTD on bottom measure depth
leg number of the survey


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