Project 2008-604-00:Lower Clearwater and Potlatch Watersheds Habitat Improvements, Contract 85460:2008-604-00 EXP LOWER CLEARWATER/POTLATCH WATERSHED

Riparian Habitat

Riparian Habitat
Project IDBPA_2008-604-00_85460
Recovery Domains -
Start Date07/01/2020
End Date06/30/2021
Last Edited11/10/2021
1 - 1


Project 2008-604-00:

This project is intended to implement habitat restoration activities in the Potlatch River Basin as identified in The Accord. The 377,776-acre Potlatch River watershed is located in north-central Idaho and is the largest tributary in the lower Clearwater River. The Potlatch River is critical to wild Snake River steelhead. This project seeks to restore wild Snake River Steelhead to a robust, self-sustaining population within the Potlatch River through coordinated implementation of best management practices on private timber, agricultural and range lands, coordination of interagency watershed planning efforts, and continuation of watershed monitoring and evaluation. This proposal is consistent with the NWPCC Fish and Wildlife Program’s goal to develop habitat-based programs designed to rebuild healthy, naturally producing fish and wildlife populations by protecting, mitigating, and restoring habitats. This project is consistent with the objectives and strategies of the Clearwater Subbasin Management Plan.

Contract 85460:

Contracts associated with Project 2008-604-00 (Idaho Accord) are coordinated with contracts associated with Latah SWCDs Project 2002-061-00. The primary focus of 2002-061-00 contracts is the identification, planning, development and identification of funding for restoration practices that will be implemented through contracts associated with Project 2008-604-00 (Idaho Accord).

The comprehensive understanding of the annual restoration efforts of Latah SWCD will need to jointly consider annual contracts from both 2002-061-00 and 2008-604-00 projects. Simultaneously, these two projects seek to restore A-run Snake River Steelhead to a robust, self-sustaining population within the Potlatch River through:

1. Coordinated development of habitat and land management improvement practices on private/public agricultural, forest and range lands,

2. Coordination of interagency watershed planning efforts, continuation of watershed monitoring and

3. Development of outreach programs to landowners, agricultural producers, and the general public.

The primary objectives of this contract associated with the Idaho Accord (2008-604-00) include:

• Implement best management practices to improve steelhead habitat within the Potlatch River watershed. Wild Snake River Steelhead are present throughout the various watershed within the Potlatch River drainage. Best management practices have been designed to enhance conditions within the drainage to address various limiting factors to wild steelhead production and productivity. Meadow restoration projects within the Big Bear, Little Bear, Corral Creek and East Fork Potlatch River watersheds have been designed to enhance late spring and summer base flows and minimize some of the extremes in the Potlatch River hydrograph. Riparian restoration projects are designed to minimize sedimentation and maintain cooler water temperatures as well as enhance stre

Project Map


BPA - BPA_2008-604-00_85460-ws-569816: E: 198. Maintain Vegetation    

  • Worksite Identifier: BPA - BPA_2008-604-00_85460-ws-569816: E: 198. Maintain Vegetation
  • Start Date: 07/01/2020
  • End Date: 06/30/2021
Area Description

Riparian/Meadow Restoration - Corral Creek/Upper Tee Meadow Restoration - Continue Planting, Corral Creek/Upper Tee Meadow Restoration Project

Additional Detail

Work Statement Element 154389:

Project construction and initial planting and seeding on the Corral Creek/Upper Tee Meadow Restoration Project took place in 2019 and spring of 2020 under contract #82582. Total project area is ~ 28.50 acres with ~ 1.10 miles of affected stream length, including new channel construction of ~ 0.23 miles.

Corral Creek is one of the 4 subwatersheds designated as high priority by the Potlatch Implementation Group. These subwatersheds were chosen based on steelhead presence, available resources for steelhead, and potential for restoration to achieve measurable results. In addition, Corral Creek is included in the Tier I subwatersheds identified in the Potlatch River Watershed Management Plan - 2019 Amendment which guides the selection and prioritization of Latah SWCD steelhead habitat projects. The Potlatch Plan was updated by the Potlatch Implementation Group. Agency members include: Latah SWCD, IOSC, IDFG, IDEQ, IDL, NMFS, USFS, and BPA. Although Juvenile steelhead production is limited to the lower reaches in Corral Creek, juvenile salmonid fry have been observed in upper reaches near the confluence with the West Fork Corral Creek. Low summer baseflow is a critical limiting factor in the Potlatch watershed and without significant irrigation in the watershed, one of the only options to enhance flow is to retain as much water as possible in the meadow systems throughout the Potlatch drainage. The Corral Creek subwatershed has one of the largest meadow systems throughout the Potlatch.

The work element budget estimate for this project includes labor and fringe costs for planning, management of field crews, field crew staff hours, and planting stock.

All plants and materials will be accessed to the various planting sites via 4x4 truck and/or ATV. Contractor will evaluate for survival/mortality rates, and determine if a replanting is necessary. Planting will be conducted by Latah SWCD field crews and will utilize hand tools such as shovels, gas-powered augers, and water-jet stingers for cuttings installation. If necessary, these areas will be replanted to replace moralities and to establish a robust riparian plant community. Existing plants will be maintained with mulch additions and weed control activities to assure survival. Weed control tools are limited to manual and mechanical methods (eg. weed trimmers) for active weed removal.

The greatest planting efforts at new sites will occur in the first 2 years of the project. Latah SWCD will maintain a presence at all project site for 4-5 years to allow for ongoing maintenance at each site. Diminishing effort in years 3-5 is reflected in budgets and actual time spent on these sites is reduced year by year. Assessing the sites annually, using adaptive management if needed, and addressing problems in the early and more vulnerable years of the project mitigates large scale and costly repairs in the future. The 4-5 year time frame is also necessary to maintain weed control in highly disturbed locations.

Location Information

  • Basin:
  • Subbasin:
  • Watershed:
  • Subwatershed:
  • State:
  • Recovery Domain:
  • Latitude: 46.841844
  • Longitude: -116.503382


    No ESU data was found for this worksite.




  • C.0 Salmonid Habitat Restoration and AcquisitionY (Y/N)
    •      . . C.5 Riparian Habitat ProjectY (Y/N)
      •      . . . . C.5.a Riparian Habitat Funding 38,767.55
      •      . . . . C.5.h.1 Riparian plant removal/controlY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . . . C.5.h.3 Acres of riparian treated for plant removal/control 28.0
        •      . . . . . . C.5.h.4 Miles of streambank treated for riparian plant removal/control 1.00

BPA - BPA_2008-604-00_85460-ws-569814: D: 198. Maintain Vegetation    

  • Worksite Identifier: BPA - BPA_2008-604-00_85460-ws-569814: D: 198. Maintain Vegetation
  • Start Date: 07/01/2020
  • End Date: 06/30/2021
Area Description

Riparian/Meadow Restoration - East Fork Potlatch River/USFS - Phase I&II/Continue Planting, East Fork Potlatch River/USFS - Phase I & II

Additional Detail

Work Statement Element 154390:

Continue planting and seeding on the East Fork Potlatch River/USFS Meadow Restoration Project/Phase I &II. This combined project area was constructed in 2018 (Phase I) and 2019 (Phase II) and initial planting efforts were started under contracts 76953, 80499 and 82582.

The East Fork Potlatch River is listed as a Tier 1 sub-watershed within the Potlatch River Watershed Management Plan - 2019 Amendment which guides the selection and prioritization of Latah SWCD steelhead habitat projects. The Potlatch Plan was updated by the Potlatch Implementation Group. Agency members include: Latah SWCD, IOSC, IDFG, IDEQ, IDL, NMFS, USFS, and BPA. This project is listed in the 2018-2022 action plan of the Potlatch Plan and will address habitat complexity. In the near-term, strategic placement of woody native plants can promote habitat complexity by capturing debris which promotes in-stream shading, creates mico-habitats for organisms connected to critical food web linkages and reduction of sedimentation.

Steelhead occur within the project area as adults during spawning. Juveniles may occupy the site in spring, summer and fall, but with current conditions, IDFG biologists believe the juveniles move out of the system in winter. Vegetation plantings were implemented throughout Phase 1 and Phase 2 to address winter rearing including temperature control, bank stabilization, and long-term wood recruitment. Planting efforts include strategic placement of woody and herbaceous plant materials to address limiting factors in the near and long-term. For example, clump plantings of willow, alder and other woody plant materials provide bank stability as well as adding habitat complexity through debris accumulation.

All plants and materials will be accessed to the various planting sites via 4x4 truck and/or ATV. Contractor will evaluate for survival/mortality rates, and determine if a replanting is necessary. Planting will be conducted by Latah SWCD field crews and will utilize hand tools such as shovels, gas-powered augers, and water-jet stingers for cuttings installation. If necessary, these areas will be replanted to replace moralities and to establish a robust riparian plant community. Existing plants will be maintained with mulch additions and weed control activities to assure survival. Weed control tools are limited to manual and mechanical methods (eg. weed trimmers) for active weed removal.

The greatest planting efforts at new sites will occur in the first 2 years of the project. Latah SWCD will maintain a presence at all project site for 4-5 years to allow for ongoing maintenance at each site. Diminishing effort in years 3-5 is reflected in budgets and actual time spent on these sites is reduced year by year. Assessing the sites annually, using adaptive management if needed, and addressing problems in the early and more vulnerable years of the project mitigates large scale and costly repairs in the future. The 4-5 year time frame is also necessary to maintain weed control in highly disturbed locations.

Location Information

  • Basin:
  • Subbasin:
  • Watershed:
  • Subwatershed:
  • State:
  • Recovery Domain:
  • Latitude: 46.803794
  • Longitude: -116.407316


    No ESU data was found for this worksite.




  • C.0 Salmonid Habitat Restoration and AcquisitionY (Y/N)
    •      . . C.5 Riparian Habitat ProjectY (Y/N)
      •      . . . . C.5.a Riparian Habitat Funding 19,401.99
      •      . . . . C.5.h.1 Riparian plant removal/controlY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . . . C.5.h.3 Acres of riparian treated for plant removal/control 44.0
        •      . . . . . . C.5.h.4 Miles of streambank treated for riparian plant removal/control 2.00

BPA - BPA_2008-604-00_85460-ws-568479: F: 198. Maintain Vegetation    

  • Worksite Identifier: BPA - BPA_2008-604-00_85460-ws-568479: F: 198. Maintain Vegetation
  • Start Date: 07/01/2020
  • End Date: 06/30/2021
Area Description

Field Crew Coordination, Replant and Maintain Riparian Plantings within Project Areas Previously Constructed, Collection of Native Seed and Maintenance of Equipment and Facilities, Corral Creek - General

Additional Detail

Work Statement Element 152904:

Significant riparian and upland planting projects have taken place throughout the high priority/Tier 1 subwatersheds, which are Big Bear Creek, Little Bear Creek, Corral Creek, and East Fork Potlatch River over the past several years. These 4 subwatersheds were designated as high priority by the Potlatch Implementation Group and were chosen by fish biologist staff within the Idaho Department of Fish & Game and National Marine Fisheries Services based on steelhead presence, available resources for steelhead, and watershed characteristics that indicated potential for restoration to achieve measurable results. These plantings have been reviewed, approved, and funded by BPA under the Latah SWCD Project #2002-061-00 and #2008-604-00.

Hog Meadow Creek is listed in the 2019 Amendment as a Tier 2 priority subwatershed. Limiting factors include low summer baseflow, stream incision, and habitat complexity. Hog Meadow Creek has several highly degraded meadows. Restoration of the meadow systems is a critical way to address the limiting factor of extremely low summer baseflow within the Potlatch watershed. Hog Meadow Creek is above anadromy and work on this site is undertaken for the downstream effects on steelhead by contributing more, cooler water later in the summer into steelhead occupied reaches. Instream structure placement and riparian plantings have been implemented through contracts #76850, 80121, and 82582. This is the final year of work at this site on Hog Meadow Creek.

Select planting sites previously approved under 2002-061-00 and/or 2008-604-00 will be maintained through this contract. In addition to maintaining vegetation on sites previously supported by BPA funding, the Latah SWCD would like to systematically enhance plantings on the identified sites of the WE to enhance beaver colonization of these sites. Enhancing riparian areas for beaver colonization, in addition to relocating beavers, has been suggested by BPA staff.

All plants and material

Location Information

  • Basin:
  • Subbasin:
  • Watershed:
  • Subwatershed:
  • State:
  • Recovery Domain:
  • Latitude: 46.818773
  • Longitude: -116.479894


    No ESU data was found for this worksite.




  • C.0 Salmonid Habitat Restoration and AcquisitionY (Y/N)

BPA - BPA_2008-604-00_85460-ws-566173: F: 198. Maintain Vegetation    

  • Worksite Identifier: BPA - BPA_2008-604-00_85460-ws-566173: F: 198. Maintain Vegetation
  • Start Date: 07/01/2020
  • End Date: 06/30/2021
Area Description

Field Crew Coordination, Replant and Maintain Riparian Plantings within Project Areas Previously Constructed, Collection of Native Seed and Maintenance of Equipment and Facilities, Hog Meadow Creek/Erickson Meadow

Additional Detail

Work Statement Element 152904:

Significant riparian and upland planting projects have taken place throughout the high priority/Tier 1 subwatersheds, which are Big Bear Creek, Little Bear Creek, Corral Creek, and East Fork Potlatch River over the past several years. These 4 subwatersheds were designated as high priority by the Potlatch Implementation Group and were chosen by fish biologist staff within the Idaho Department of Fish & Game and National Marine Fisheries Services based on steelhead presence, available resources for steelhead, and watershed characteristics that indicated potential for restoration to achieve measurable results. These plantings have been reviewed, approved, and funded by BPA under the Latah SWCD Project #2002-061-00 and #2008-604-00.

Hog Meadow Creek is listed in the 2019 Amendment as a Tier 2 priority subwatershed. Limiting factors include low summer baseflow, stream incision, and habitat complexity. Hog Meadow Creek has several highly degraded meadows. Restoration of the meadow systems is a critical way to address the limiting factor of extremely low summer baseflow within the Potlatch watershed. Hog Meadow Creek is above anadromy and work on this site is undertaken for the downstream effects on steelhead by contributing more, cooler water later in the summer into steelhead occupied reaches. Instream structure placement and riparian plantings have been implemented through contracts #76850, 80121, and 82582. This is the final year of work at this site on Hog Meadow Creek.

Select planting sites previously approved under 2002-061-00 and/or 2008-604-00 will be maintained through this contract. In addition to maintaining vegetation on sites previously supported by BPA funding, the Latah SWCD would like to systematically enhance plantings on the identified sites of the WE to enhance beaver colonization of these sites. Enhancing riparian areas for beaver colonization, in addition to relocating beavers, has been suggested by BPA staff.

All plants and material

Location Information

  • Basin:
  • Subbasin:
  • Watershed:
  • Subwatershed:
  • State:
  • Recovery Domain:
  • Latitude: 46.848742
  • Longitude: -116.464269


    No ESU data was found for this worksite.




  • C.0 Salmonid Habitat Restoration and AcquisitionY (Y/N)
    •      . . C.5 Riparian Habitat ProjectY (Y/N)
      •      . . . . C.5.a Riparian Habitat Funding 137,281.85
      •      . . . . C.5.h.1 Riparian plant removal/controlY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . . . C.5.h.3 Acres of riparian treated for plant removal/control 85.0
        •      . . . . . . C.5.h.4 Miles of streambank treated for riparian plant removal/control 7.00