Alder Creek Side Channel Pilot Project

Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments

Restoration Planning And Coordination Salmonid Habitat Assessment / Inventory
Project ID2005-6
Recovery Domains -
Start Date10/15/2007
End Date12/31/2008
Last Edited01/14/2025
1 - 1


Contractor Entrix, Inc. completed site surveys, river height monitoring, and preconstruction site visits . The engineered log jam layout was finalized and final engineered designs, hydraulic modeling, and risk/benefit assessment complete. Contract was completed satisfactorily and final invoice submitted 9/29/08.

Project Benefit    

A total of sixteen ELJs are separated and prioritized into three ELJ sets. ELJ Sets 1 and 2 provide the most habitat benefit by protecting the entrance to Alder Creek Side Channel, the large forested island between the mainstem Quinault River and side channel, and the new incipient side channel downstream. Approximately 1.7-linear miles of off-channel and mainstem river salmon habitat and 185-acres of floodplain riparian forest habitat will benefit from this project. ELJ Set 3 will improve mainstem channel habitat when the river is flowing adjacent to the structures and help to protect the South Shore Road, thereby preventing habitat degradation associated with continued emergency rip rap placement that has been a chronic problem along the Upper Quinault River. Set 3 will also establish a new riparian buffer between the road and the river.

The project will protect critical sockeye spawning habitat and begin the Upper Quinault River restoration process. The project will also help to build working relationships among the Quinault Indian Nation, federal and state regulatory agencies, private landowners, conservancy groups, and lay the foundation for future restoration projects in the Upper Quinault River system.


Metric Completed Originally
Planning and Assessment
  Stream Miles Assessed 5.00 5.00

Funding Details

Report Total:$190,656

Project Map


Alder Creek - Upper Quinault R    

  • Worksite Identifier: Alder Creek - Upper Quinault R
  • Start Date: 10/30/2007
  • End Date: 06/30/2008
Area Description

No Area Description data was found for this worksite.

Location Information

  • Basin: Washington Coastal (171001)
  • Subbasin: Queets-Quinault (17100102)
  • Watershed:
  • Subwatershed:
  • State: Washington
  • Recovery Domain:
  • Latitude: 47.525928
  • Longitude: -123.768236


  • Quinault Lake Sockeye Salmon ESU




  • B.0 Salmonid Restoration Planning and AssessmentsY (Y/N)
    •      . . B.0.a Planning And Assessment Funding 190,656.00
    •      . . B.0.b.1 Area Encompassed 3.0
    •      . . B.1 Restoration Planning And CoordinationY (Y/N)
      •      . . . . B.1.a Planning and Coordination funding 190,656.00
      •      . . . . B.1.b.11 Engineering/design work for restoration projectsY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . . . B.1.b.11.a
          Name of plan implemented
          Entrix, Inc.
        •      . . . . . . B.1.b.11.b
          Description and scope of the plan implemented
          plan for future ELJs
      •      . . B.2 Salmonid Habitat Assessment / InventoryY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . B.2.a Habitat Assessment Funding .00
        •      . . . . B.2.c Instream SurveyY (Y/N)
          •      . . . . . . B.2.c.1 Type of instream survey (LOV)
          •      . . . . . . B.2.c.2 Stream miles assessed 5.00
          •      . . . . . . B.2.c.3 Stream miles assessed that contained salmonids 5.00
          •      . . . . . . B.2.c.4 Stream miles assessed that needed restoration 1.60
          •      . . . . . . B.2.c.5 Stream miles assessed for regulatory actions .00
          •      . . . . . . B.2.c.6 Fish passage impediments identified 0