Clearwater River Coho Salmon Reintroduction Project IV
Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest Management
2004-1-01 | Snake River | 07/01/2004 | 12/31/2006 | 2004 | Completed | 01/14/2025 | |
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Project 2004-1-01 completed with ongoing work continuing under subsequent projects. Specific accomplishments include:
1) Reared coho salmon from broodyear 2003. Adult traps/weirs were installed at trapping in late September 2003. Trapping began at Dworshak National Fish Hatchery (DNFH). Trapped and transferred fish yielded approximately 182,000 green eggs (Clearwater River stock). These fish were reared to full term smolts at Dworshak NFH and transferred to Kooskia NFH for acclimation. A total of 287,000 coho salmon smolts were released on April 25, 2005. Coho salmon smolts were transported by from Eagle Creek National Fish Hatchery (ECNFH) in March 2005. Neil Ring was contracted to transport the majority of these fish and was complemented by one truck from the Nez Perce Tribe. A pre-liberation health screening was conducted, and transport permits were issued by USFWS fish pathology personnel. Fish were hauled and directly released into the Potlatch River on March 7, 2005. Due to low flows, the majority of the coho salmon destined for release in Lapwai Creek were outplanted into the mainstem Clearwater River and Clear Creek on March 9 and 10, 2005. A total of 575,000 coho smolts were transported from ECNFH
2) Trapped and reared coho salmon from broodyear 2004. Staff at Eagle Creek NFH have trapped and spawned and are currently rearing enough Brood Year 2004 coho salmon to meet the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services rearing obligation of 570,000 smolts. These fish will be reared at Eagle Creek NFH to the smolt stage, hauled to Idaho, and directly released into several sites on Lapwai Creek and Potlatch River in March of 2006. Nez Perce Tribal staff has trapped and spawned brood year 2004 coho salmon to contribute 150,000 smolts to the DNFH/KNFH release. DNFH has no BY 2004 Eagle Creek coho salmon on hand. The release goal was 280,000 smolts in the spring of 2006 from Kooskia Hatchery following a 4-6 week acclimation period. In 2005, we experienced a high level of early-rearing mortality at DNFH. We will not meet our production goal of 280,000 smolts. A total of 294,000 coho salmon presmolts were reared at Clearwater Fish Hatchery. The Nez Perce Tribes Production staff conducted the daily fish culture activities. These fish were released into the Lolo Creek drainage on September 27 and 28, 2005.
3) Effectively communicated program approach and findings to resource managers. We have completed intergovernmental MOUs for fish production services and fish health screening. We have participated in several AOP meetings at Clearwater, Snake and Columbia River Fish hatcheries. We are operating under a 1998 formal consultation with NMFS. We annually updated NFMS with our proposed operations, and continued the process of updating our coho salmon HGMP. We developed summary semi-annual and annual progress reports. We participated and assisted with developing AOPs with cooperating hatcheries. We updated CWT and PIT tag databases. Trap and release end-of-season summary reports and monthly production reports are produced and distributed.
Project Benefit
The intended benefit of the program is that coho salmon will be restored to sufficient numbers in the Clearwater River subbasin to support natural production, and tribal and non-tribal harvest. Initially, we estimate the population needs to be at least 2,358 adults for both hatchery and natural spawning and additional adults to provide meaningful harvest. This level of production would provide for a Clearwater broodstock to be self-sustaining and provide all the eggs for both the in-basin and the out-of-basin production. Our long-term adult return goal for the Clearwater River is 14,000 coho salmon, as identified in Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi-Wa-Kish-Wit (CRITFC 1996).
Funding Details |
PCSRF | $371,500 |
Report Total: | $371,500 |
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Lapwai Creek
- Worksite Identifier: Lapwai Creek
- Start Date:
- End Date:
Area Description
No Area Description data was found for this worksite.
Location Information
- Basin: Clearwater (170603)
- Subbasin: Clearwater
- Watershed:
- Subwatershed:
- State: Idaho
- Recovery Domain: Snake River
- Latitude: 46.445
- Longitude: -116.829
- D.0
Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest ManagementY (Y/N)
- . . D.0.a
Hatchery and harvest mgmt. funding 40,000.00
- . . D.0.b
Complement habitat restoration project | |
Lapwai Creek Restoration Projects |
- . . D.0.c
Project Identified in a plan or watershed assessment. | |
NPT Fisheries, "Coho Salmon Management Plan for the Clearwater River Subbasin", Lapwai, ID
CRITFC, "Wy-Kan-Ish-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit", Portland, OR: 1996 |
- . . D.1
Hatchery Production ProjectY (Y/N)
- . . . . D.1.a
Hatchery Production Funding 40,000.00
- . . . . D.1.b.1
Salmonids Reared/ReleasedY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . D.1.b.2
Number by species of Salmonids Reared/Released (LOV)
- . . . . . . D.1.b.3
Purpose Of Production/Release (LOV)
- . . . . D.1.e.1
Native/wild broodstock collection/relocationY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . D.1.e.2
Number by species of broodstock collected (LOV)
Clearwater River
- Worksite Identifier: Clearwater River
- Start Date:
- End Date:
Area Description
No Area Description data was found for this worksite.
Location Information
- Basin: Clearwater (170603)
- Subbasin: Middle Fork Clearwater (17060304)
- Watershed:
- Subwatershed:
- State: Idaho
- Recovery Domain: Snake River
- Latitude: 46.14634
- Longitude: -115.98163
- D.0
Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest ManagementY (Y/N)
- . . D.0.a
Hatchery and harvest mgmt. funding 130,000.00
- . . D.0.b
Complement habitat restoration project | |
Unknown |
- . . D.0.c
Project Identified in a plan or watershed assessment. | |
NPT Fisheries, "Coho Salmon Management Plan for the Clearwater River Subbasin", Lapwai, ID
CRITFC, "Wy-Kan-Ish-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit", Portland, OR: 1996 |
- . . D.1
Hatchery Production ProjectY (Y/N)
- . . . . D.1.a
Hatchery Production Funding 130,000.00
- . . . . D.1.b.1
Salmonids Reared/ReleasedY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . D.1.b.2
Number by species of Salmonids Reared/Released (LOV)
- . . . . . . D.1.b.3
Purpose Of Production/Release (LOV)
- . . . . D.1.e.1
Native/wild broodstock collection/relocationY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . D.1.e.2
Number by species of broodstock collected (LOV)
kooskia National Fish Hatchery
- Worksite Identifier: kooskia National Fish Hatchery
- Start Date:
- End Date:
Area Description
No Area Description data was found for this worksite.
Location Information
- Basin: Clearwater (170603)
- Subbasin: Middle Fork Clearwater
- Watershed:
- Subwatershed:
- State: Idaho
- Recovery Domain: Snake River
- Latitude: 46.1307
- Longitude: -115.9482
- Puget Sound/Strait of Georgia Coho Salmon ESU
- Puget Sound/Strait of Georgia Chum Salmon ESU
- Puget Sound Steelhead DPS
- Un-Named ESU Coho
- Puget Sound Chinook Salmon ESU
- D.0
Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest ManagementY (Y/N)
- . . D.0.a
Hatchery and harvest mgmt. funding 40,000.00
- . . D.0.b
Complement habitat restoration project | |
Unknown |
- . . D.0.c
Project Identified in a plan or watershed assessment. | |
NPT Fisheries, "Coho Salmon Management Plan for the Clearwater River Subbasin", Lapwai, ID
CRITFC, "Wy-Kan-Ish-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit", Portland, OR: 1996 |
- . . D.1
Hatchery Production ProjectY (Y/N)
- . . . . D.1.a
Hatchery Production Funding 40,000.00
- . . . . D.1.b.1
Salmonids Reared/ReleasedY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . D.1.b.2
Number by species of Salmonids Reared/Released (LOV)
- . . . . . . D.1.b.3
Purpose Of Production/Release (LOV)
- . . . . D.1.e.1
Native/wild broodstock collection/relocationY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . D.1.e.2
Number by species of broodstock collected (LOV)
Lolo Creek
- Worksite Identifier: Lolo Creek
- Start Date: 07/01/2004
- End Date: 12/31/2006
Area Description
No Area Description data was found for this worksite.
Location Information
- Basin: Clearwater (170603)
- Subbasin: Clearwater (17060306)
- Watershed: 1706030602
- Subwatershed:
- State: Idaho
- Recovery Domain: Snake River
- Latitude: 46.42369678808372
- Longitude: -116.07128933071995
- D.0
Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest ManagementY (Y/N)
- . . D.0.a
Hatchery and harvest mgmt. funding 55,000.00
- . . D.0.b
Complement habitat restoration project | |
Unknown |
- . . D.0.c
Project Identified in a plan or watershed assessment. | |
NPT Fisheries, "Coho Salmon Management Plan for the Clearwater River Subbasin", Lapwai, ID
CRITFC, "Wy-Kan-Ish-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit", Portland, OR: 1996 |
- . . D.1
Hatchery Production ProjectY (Y/N)
- . . . . D.1.a
Hatchery Production Funding 55,000.00
- . . . . D.1.b.1
Salmonids Reared/ReleasedY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . D.1.b.2
Number by species of Salmonids Reared/Released (LOV)
- . . . . . . D.1.b.3
Purpose Of Production/Release (LOV)
- . . . . D.1.e.1
Native/wild broodstock collection/relocationY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . D.1.e.2
Number by species of broodstock collected (LOV)
Potlach River
- Worksite Identifier: Potlach River
- Start Date:
- End Date:
Area Description
No Area Description data was found for this worksite.
Location Information
- Basin: Clearwater (170603)
- Subbasin: Clearwater (17060306)
- Watershed:
- Subwatershed:
- State: Idaho
- Recovery Domain: Snake River
- Latitude: 46.84646
- Longitude: -116.37384
- D.0
Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest ManagementY (Y/N)
- . . D.0.a
Hatchery and harvest mgmt. funding 61,500.00
- . . D.0.b
Complement habitat restoration project | |
Unknown |
- . . D.0.c
Project Identified in a plan or watershed assessment. | |
NPT Fisheries, "Coho Salmon Management Plan for the Clearwater River Subbasin", Lapwai, ID
CRITFC, "Wy-Kan-Ish-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit", Portland, OR: 1996 |
- . . D.1
Hatchery Production ProjectY (Y/N)
- . . . . D.1.a
Hatchery Production Funding 61,500.00
- . . . . D.1.b.1
Salmonids Reared/ReleasedY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . D.1.b.2
Number by species of Salmonids Reared/Released (LOV)
- . . . . . . D.1.b.3
Purpose Of Production/Release (LOV)
- . . . . D.1.e.1
Native/wild broodstock collection/relocationY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . D.1.e.2
Number by species of broodstock collected (LOV)
Meadow Creek/Selway
- Worksite Identifier: Meadow Creek/Selway
- Start Date:
- End Date:
Area Description
No Area Description data was found for this worksite.
Location Information
- Basin: Clearwater (170603)
- Subbasin: Lochsa (17060303)
- Watershed:
- Subwatershed:
- State: Idaho
- Recovery Domain: Snake River
- Latitude: 46.3672
- Longitude: -115.13788
- D.0
Salmonid Hatcheries and Harvest ManagementY (Y/N)
- . . D.0.a
Hatchery and harvest mgmt. funding 45,000.00
- . . D.0.b
Complement habitat restoration project | |
Unknown |
- . . D.0.c
Project Identified in a plan or watershed assessment. | |
NPT Fisheries, "Coho Salmon Management Plan for the Clearwater River Subbasin", Lapwai, ID
CRITFC, "Wy-Kan-Ish-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit", Portland, OR: 1996 |
- . . D.1
Hatchery Production ProjectY (Y/N)
- . . . . D.1.a
Hatchery Production Funding 45,000.00
- . . . . D.1.b.1
Salmonids Reared/ReleasedY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . D.1.b.2
Number by species of Salmonids Reared/Released (LOV)
- . . . . . . D.1.b.3
Purpose Of Production/Release (LOV)
- . . . . D.1.e.1
Native/wild broodstock collection/relocationY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . D.1.e.2
Number by species of broodstock collected (LOV)