Fish Passage Assessments and Prioritization of the Upper Yukon Drainage
Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments
AK580xx_placeholder3 | - | 03/01/2025 | 11/30/2027 | 2024 | New | 01/14/2025 | |
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This project will inventory and assess fish passage conditions on roads in the North Star Borough and adjacent major highways, surveying and assessing 375 to 450 culverts over the course of three years.
Project Benefit
Identifying barriers and sharing that information online via the Fish Resource Monitor site allows agency staff and road managers to request, plan, and budget for replacement projects during routine maintenance projects. Targeted fish passage projects, those undertaken independent of road building or maintenance activities, can also be better prioritized and funded with an understanding of the problem on a watershed or regional scale. The ultimate benefit will be an increase in the rate of removal and replacement of barriers to fish passage.
Funding Details |
PCSRF | $288,353 |
State | $100,924 |
Report Total: | $389,277 |
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- Worksite Identifier: 60459821
- Start Date:
- End Date:
Area Description
No Area Description data was found for this worksite.
Location Information
- Basin: Fortymile River-Yukon River (190705)
- Subbasin: Charley River-Yukon River (19070506)
- Watershed: Jefferson Creek-Yukon River (1907050620)
- Subwatershed: Twentytwo Mile Slough-Yukon River (190705062003)
- State: Alaska
- Recovery Domain:
- Latitude: 65.826
- Longitude: -144.06463
- Un-Named ESU Chinook
- Un-Named ESU Chum
- Un-Named ESU Coho
- B.0
Salmonid Restoration Planning and AssessmentsY (Y/N)
- . . B.0.a
Planning And Assessment Funding .00
- . . B.0.b.1
Area Encompassed
- . . B.2
Salmonid Habitat Assessment / InventoryY (Y/N)
- . . . . B.2.a
Habitat Assessment Funding
- . . . . B.2.c
Instream SurveyY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . B.2.c.1
Type of instream survey (LOV)
- . . . . . . B.2.c.2
Stream miles assessed