Barkley Irrigation Company: Under Pressure

Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition

Instream Flow
Project ID14-1737 R
Recovery DomainsUpper Columbia River
Start Date12/05/2014
End Date03/31/2020
Last Edited01/14/2025
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This project was s a large-scale restoration effort in the Methow to improve ESA-listed salmonid productivity in the mainstem Methow River in what is known as M2 Reach. This was accomplished by moving the Barkley point of diversion (POD) downstream approximately 4 miles. This project also eliminated mortality to listed fish species by moving the Barkley diversion downstream and pumping water from below the MVID diversion into the historic Barkley ditch which was piped for piped for the Barkley Irrigation District. The project completed project includes:

Elimination of a major irrigation diversion on the Methow River.
Elimination of mortality of ESA listed species from annual excavation of the Barkley side channel and mainstem push-up dam by moving the point of diversion.
Elimination of fish stranding and mortality in the upper 0.5 miles of the Barkley ditch annually by moving the point of diversion and decommissioning the headworks.
Increased instream flow by over 26 cfs for approximately 4 miles of the mainstem Methow River and side channels by moving the POD downstream.
Permanently enhancing instream flows by 10 cfs for approximately 6 additional miles by improving the efficiency of the Barkley irrigation system.
Enhance instream flows up to an additional 16 cfs through savings from the wedded full pressure-on demand MVID/Barkley eastside diversion system.

Project Benefit    

To improve irrigation efficiencies, thus saving water for instream flows to benefit ESA-listed salmon and steelhead.


Metric Completed Originally

Funding Details

Report Total:$2,593,843

Project Map


1-MVID Diversion    

  • Worksite Identifier: 1-MVID Diversion
  • Start Date:
  • End Date:
Area Description

No Area Description data was found for this worksite.

Location Information

  • Basin: Upper Columbia (170200)
  • Subbasin: Methow (17020008)
  • Watershed: Middle Methow River (1702000806)
  • Subwatershed: Thompson Creek-Methow River (170200080605)
  • State: Washington
  • Recovery Domain: Upper Columbia River
  • Latitude: 48.43807469
  • Longitude: -120.15429452


  • Upper Columbia River Spring-run Chinook Salmon ESU
  • Upper Columbia River Steelhead DPS




  • C.0 Salmonid Habitat Restoration and AcquisitionY (Y/N)
    •      . . C.0.a Habitat restoration and acquisition funding 2,593,842.76
    •      . . C.0.b Length of stream treated/protected 8.00
    •      . . C.0.c
      Project identified in a Plan or Watershed Assessment
      Upper Columbia Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Plan, A. Appleby, C. Baldwin, D. Beich, M. Cookson, N. Christoph, K. Danison, B. Foster, L. Hatcher, T. Hillman, Interior Columbia Basin Technical Recovery Team, C. Jones, K. MacDonald, R. McDonald, C. Parson, C. Peven, J. Pyper, B. Rose, K. Terrell, P. Verhey, K. Wolf, August 2007,
    •      . . C.0.d.1 Project Monitoring (LOV)
    •      . . C.0.d.2 Monitoring Location (LOV)
    •      . . C.3 Instream Flow ProjectY (Y/N)
      •      . . . . C.3.a Instream Flow Funding 2,593,842.76
      •      . . . . C.3.b Length of stream 'protected' for adequate flow 8.00
      •      . . . . C.3.c Change in water flow26 (cfs)
      •      . . . . C.3.e.1 Irrigation practice improvementY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . . . C.3.e.2 Acre feet of water conserved per year2342 (Acre feet)
        •      . . . . . . C.3.e.3 cfs (cubic feet per second) of water conserved26 (cfs)
        •      . . . . . . C.3.e.4 Initial start date of action or agreement03/31/2020 (mm/dd/yyyy)
        •      . . . . . . C.3.e.5 Final end date of action or agreement12/31/9999 (mm/dd/yyyy)