Peshastin RM 3.2-3.8 Design
Salmonid Restoration Planning and Assessments
22-1492 P | Upper Columbia River | 09/22/2022 | 09/22/2025 | 2022 | Ongoing | 01/14/2025 | |
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This project will evaluate the mainstem channel and adjacent floodplain wetland complexes on river left and right (~RM 3.2-3.8) to identify and develop restoration actions that will improve in-stream conditions and reconnect the floodplain. This effort will include a focus on engaging with the private landowner and WSDOT to determine project opportunities. We propose to complete all work necessary to evaluate the site, develop and analyze alternative restoration strategies and prepare alternatives, conceptual designs for the preferred alternative, and anticipate hiring a contractor to complete tasks including onsite data collection, compilation of existing data, hydraulic modeling, opportunities and constraints analysis, and development of preliminary designs.
Project Benefit
Increase the quantity and quality of accessible off-channel rearing habitat for juvenile steelhead and spring Chinook Salmon in Peshastin Creek. Provide winter rearing habitat and refugia-type habitat during spring and other high flow events. Increasing off-channel access will also increase diversity in substrate throughout the reach and improve mainstem habitat diversity, edge habitat and opportunity for wood recruitment (Figures 2-5, see attachment Peshastin 3.2 Figures).
Funding Details |
PCSRF | $135,000 |
Report Total: | $135,000 |
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1-Peshastin RM 3.25
- Worksite Identifier: 1-Peshastin RM 3.25
- Start Date:
- End Date:
Area Description
No Area Description data was found for this worksite.
Location Information
- Basin: Upper Columbia (170200)
- Subbasin: Wenatchee (17020011)
- Watershed: Peshastin Creek (1702001105)
- Subwatershed: Lower Peshastin Creek (170200110503)
- State: Washington
- Recovery Domain: Upper Columbia River
- Latitude: 47.53147197
- Longitude: -120.62078819
- Upper Columbia River Spring-run Chinook Salmon ESU
- Upper Columbia River Steelhead DPS
- B.0
Salmonid Restoration Planning and AssessmentsY (Y/N)
- . . B.0.a
Planning And Assessment Funding
- . . B.0.b.1
Area Encompassed
- . . B.0.b.2
Stream Miles Affected
- . . B.1
Restoration Planning And CoordinationY (Y/N)
- . . . . B.1.a
Planning and Coordination funding
- . . . . B.1.b.11
Engineering/design work for restoration projectsY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . B.1.b.11.a
- . . . . . . B.1.b.11.b
Description and scope of the plan implemented | |