FY 2022 North Fork Stillaguamish Floodplain Protection
Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition
22-STIL-01 | Puget Sound | 01/01/2023 | 07/29/2024 | 2022 | Completed | 08/02/2024 | |
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This project provided partial funding to purchase two floodplain parcels (both Chapman) of 11.22 acres of high-quality floodplain habitat along the North Fork Stillaguamish and protected it from degradation (logging, development, stream bank armoring, etc.), and provides a location for future instream and riparian restoration projects along more than 2080 feet of stream channel (PCSRF pro-rated metrics are a portion of this total, the FY22 prorated metrics for this funding are 6.40 acres protected on 0.22 miles of the channel). In the Stillaguamish, it has been difficult to find willing landowners to implement the quantity of instream and floodplain projects needed to achieve Chinook recovery goals. Therefore, the Tribe has been acquiring the lands needed to achieve the habitat restoration goals outlined in the Stillaguamish Chapter of the Puget Sound Chinook Recovery Plan.
Project Benefit
The goal of the project is to protect 11.22 acres of high quality floodplain habitat along the North Fork Stillaguamish from degradation (logging, development, stream bank armoring, etc.), and provide a location for future instream and riparian restoration projects along more than 2080 feet of stream channel (PCSRF pro-rated metrics are a portion of this total, details above). In the Stillaguamish it has been difficult to find willing landowners to implement the quantity of instream and floodplain projects needed to achieve Chinook recovery goals. Therefore, the Tribe has been acquiring the lands needed to achieve the habitat restoration goals outlined in the Stillaguamish Chapter of the Puget Sound Chinook Recovery Plan.
Purchasing, protecting, and restoring (eventually) the parcels will reverse the continued decline of instream habitat conditions for Stillaguamish Chinook and other salmonids. Depressed Chinook returns to the Stillaguamish have excluded direct tribal harvest for several decades, and limit harvest opportunities across the Pacific Northwest. This has severely restricted the Treaty Rights of the Stillaguamish and other treaty tribes.
The acquisition strategy addendum to the Stillaguamish Recovery Plan calls for the purchase of more than 7000 acres along the mainstem, North, and South Fork Stillaguamish, primarily in the floodplain. The goal of the strategy is to acquire a corridor of lands along the Chinook bearing waters of the Stillaguamish. This will allow the restoration of unrestricted riverine processes, which are central to achieving the restoration targets detailed in the Recovery Plan. The proposed project will make incremental progress towards the acquisition goals.
Land Acquisition |
Acres Acquired or Protected |
11.2 |
6.4 |
Stream Bank Miles Acquired
or Protected |
.44 |
.44 |
Funding DetailsNo Funding data has been entered for this project.
- Worksite Identifier: 53391703
- Start Date:
- End Date:
Area Description
No Area Description data was found for this worksite.
Location Information
- Basin: Puget Sound (171100)
- Subbasin: Stillaguamish (17110008)
- Watershed: North Fork Stillaguamish River (1711000801)
- Subwatershed: French Creek-North Fork Stillaguamish River (171100080105)
- State: Washington
- Recovery Domain: Puget Sound
- Latitude: 48.278715
- Longitude: -121.742127
- Puget Sound/Strait of Georgia Coho Salmon ESU
- Puget Sound/Strait of Georgia Chum Salmon ESU
- Puget Sound Steelhead DPS
- Odd-year
- Puget Sound Chinook Salmon ESU
- C.0
Salmonid Habitat Restoration and AcquisitionY (Y/N)
- . . C.0.a
Habitat restoration and acquisition funding 266,850.00
- . . C.0.b
Length of stream treated/protected .22
- . . C.0.c
Project identified in a Plan or Watershed Assessment | |
- . . C.0.d.1
Project Monitoring (LOV)
- . . C.0.d.2
Monitoring Location (LOV)
- . . C.10
Land or Easement AcquisitionY (Y/N)
- . . . . C.10.a
Land acquisition funding 266,850.00
- . . . . C.10.b
Habitat treatments applied (LOV)
- . . . . C.10.c.1
Acquisition or lease of land, wetland or estuarine area for conservationY (Y/N)
- . . . . . . C.10.c.2
Type of acquisition to protect habitat (LOV)
- . . . . . . C.10.c.3
Type of property protected (LOV)
- . . . . . . C.10.c.4
Date of expiration of protection12/31/9999 (mm/dd/yyyy)
- . . . . . . C.10.c.5
Miles of streambank protected by land or easement acquisition .44
- . . . . . . C.10.c.6
Acres of land, wetland or estuarine area acquired 11.2