Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Tribal Research and Restoration Program

Program Administration

Project IDAdministration - 80258
Recovery Domains -
Start Date07/01/2020
End Date06/30/2025
Last Edited07/02/2021
1 - 1


Bering Sea Fishermens Association manages the coordination and administration of PCSRF funded projects for the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Tribal Consortium.
Projects funded through this process involve cooperation and or collaboration with tribal, private, federal and state partners. Primary duties under this project include coordinating the annual PCSRF application using the federal government process, writing and amending subcontracts with grant recipients, maintaining the PCSRF database, reports to the AYK SSI partners, budget tracking by project, financial management, gathering individual progress reports and submitting comprehensive progress reports to NOAA Fisheries, coordinating the project selection process and audit compliance process. The project also allows for staff participation in all NOAA Fisheries events regarding planning, implementation, region-wide coordination, and reporting of PCSRF efforts.

Project Benefit    

Research projects will address declined Chinook salmon populations necessary for the exercise of subsistence fishing or contribute to sustaining salmon populations utilized for subsistence and contribute to building the capacity of local and regional entities to manage and participate in fisheries research.


Metric Completed Originally

Funding Details

Report Total:$19,500


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