West Fork Cow Creek Watershed Restoration Collaborative Implementation (phase V)

Salmonid Habitat Restoration and Acquisition

Fish Passage Improvement
Project IDWF Cow Creek V Implementation
Recovery DomainsOregon Coast
Start Date12/10/2020
End Date09/08/2021
Last Edited01/25/2024
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With funding from PCSRF FY 2014, 2015, and 2017 project partners were able to complete construction on a large open bottom culvert at the confluence of West Fork Cow Creek and Bolivar Creek in the West Fork Cow Creek Watershed. This new natural bottom culvert replaced a smaller perched culvert that was blocking upstream passage for salmonids and other native aquatic species.

Project Benefit    

The project proposed in this application will address fish passage issues. The replacement of the perched culvert at the confluence of Bolivar Creek and WF Cow Creek will address fish passage issues within the watershed and allow Coho and other fish species in all life stages to access an additional 3.5 miles of habitat that had been cut off to them.


Metric Completed Originally
Fish Passage
  Barriers Removed
  Miles Opened 3.50 3.50

Funding Details

Report Total:$522,340

Project Map


West Fork Cow Creek Watershed : Bolivar Creek    

  • Worksite Identifier: West Fork Cow Creek Watershed : Bolivar Creek
  • Start Date: 11/13/2019
  • End Date: 09/30/2020
Area Description
West Fork Cow Creek Watershed

Location Information

  • Basin: Southern Oregon Coastal (171003)
  • Subbasin: South Umpqua (17100302)
  • Watershed: West Fork Cow Creek (1710030208)
  • Subwatershed: Wilson Creek-West Fork Cow Creek (171003020801)
  • State: Oregon
  • Recovery Domain: Oregon Coast
  • Latitude: 42.808
  • Longitude: -123.848


  • Oregon Coast Coho Salmon ESU




  • C.0 Salmonid Habitat Restoration and AcquisitionY (Y/N)
    •      . . C.0.a Habitat restoration and acquisition funding 90,474.00
    •      . . C.0.b Length of stream treated/protected .01
    •      . . C.0.c
      Project identified in a Plan or Watershed Assessment
      Geyer, 2003. West Fork Cow Creek Watershed Assessment and Action Plan. NMFS, 2016. Final ESA Recovery Plan for Oregon Coast Coho Salmon, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2009. The Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds
    •      . . C.0.d.1 Project Monitoring (LOV)
    •      . . C.0.d.2 Monitoring Location (LOV)
    •      . . C.2 Fish Passage ImprovementY (Y/N)
      •      . . . . C.2.a Fish Passage Funding 90,474.00
      •      . . . . C.2.b.1 Length of stream made accessible 3.50
      •      . . . . C.2.b.3 Type of blockage/barrier (LOV)
      •      . . . . C.2.b.4 Number of blockages/impediments/barriers impeding passage 1
      •      . . . . C.2.f.1 Culvert installed or improved at road stream crossingY (Y/N)
        •      . . . . . . C.2.f.2 Number of culverts installed or improved 1
        •      . . . . . . C.2.f.3 Miles of stream made accessible by culvert installation/upgrade 3.50